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contrabass clarinet
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
audio files for testing
10.33 Mo
Ed. Jobert
450.15 Ko
294.51 Mo
This version includes the performance AUDIO FILES with 8 CHANNELS ONLY & 13 channels only. The original version includes some simulation sound files (mono or stereo). If you need those, download a previous version of the piece!
• 1 Live Audio input (mixdown of the clarinet mics) goes to main DSP patch.
• Up to 13 audio outputs for speakers (original version) + 1 sfiles monitor + 1 optionnal click track Output mixdown is possible in the main patch for configurations with less speakers.
•In this version we played with only 8 channels, but other setups are possible in p MixDown : reconfigure the pan and dac outputs, and modify the loudspeakers message to fit your setup.
The original speaker layout still used for the trajectories & premix before mixdown is as follows :
Several microphones are requested to capture the sound of the clarinet.
For the top microphone, pavillion, we used an extra dynamic microphone (beyer M88) processed in a way to get a kick-like effect on the low C (Bb) slaps, using gate, resonant lowpass (40Hz) and compressor. The sensation of these slaps must be physical, almost like a kick bass drum.
Up to 13 speakers : L-C-R SideR-SurR-SurC-SurL-SideL-DownL-DownR-DownSurR-DownSurL-Top
18 inches subs are required.
The clarinetist triggers the cues of the score/patch with a foot pedal sent in MIDI to the computer. When an analog footswitch or sustain pedal is used (as it was the case in this version) it needs to be converted to MIDI with a MIDI Solutions Footswitch Controller. If the console and computers are far away from the stage, a MIDI Booster is used to reinforce the MIDI transmission. It is used to duplicate the MIDI info for main and spare computers. You may control the levels of the Input, the Main DSP output, the Spatialization Output and the Master by a fader controller.
You need one instance of Max 8. You may enable 'Enable Mixer in Parallel Processing'
This version is composed of two Max Projects:
Except for the routing, no special Max setup is required for this piece. We use this standard setup :
The input level should be set rather high for the effects to work properly.
Two soundfiles can be used as a simulation to quickly test the patch without the clarinetist. CLCB-sectA_05-diff.aif is a recording of the first 28 bars of the piece. CLCB-sectB-37_49-diff.aif is a recording of the bars 37 to 49.
You may need to adapt the mixdown for a particular setup different from the original 13 points layout. For this, have a look at the mixdown subpatch in the dsp_main. Adapt the spat5.pan, spat5.meter to your number of outputs and configure correctly the viewer and the panning law. No other adjustment should be necessary for the spatialization.
When launching the two projects, you can check for errors in the Max window.
Once you have loaded both projects:
This patch handles the sound fx,the soundfiles, the score & transport. The Input levels, Fx levels and master out are followed here (by mici ccs). It is the main audio inputoutput. It sends and receives audio wiith the spat patch.
This handles all the trajectories. Be sure that they are correctly loaded (sources should visually move with concerned events)
The level of the spat is followed here (by midi CC 7). The audio is sent back to the main patch.
In general, Yann Robin likes when the sound coming from the computer is loud in the room! Adjust the volume consequently!
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