Works / By title
3615 works beginning with c
Serge Garant (1929-1986) Biography
Marc Garcia Vitoria (1985) Biography Documentary resources
Pedro García-Velásquez (1984) Biography Documentary resources
elec Calcifer comme un rite oublié, for flute and electronics, BabelScores
elec Chants souterrains for cello and electronics, BabelScores
elec Commanderie 2019 for robotic arms, 3D sound installations and live concerts, BabelScores
elec Cras Lucebit for bassoon and electronics, between 6 mn and 10 mn about , BabelScores
Fernando Garnero (1976) Biography Documentary resources
Ulrich Gasser (1950) Biography
Allain Gaussin (1943) Biography Documentary resources
elec Camaïeux for electronic ensemble and electronic sounds on four-track CD, 18 mn, Salabert
elec Carnet de notes credits of the musical program of the same name
Chakra for string quartet, 11 mn, Salabert
Colosseo for six percussionists, 20 mn, Salabert
elec Coïncidences music for Pascal Signolet's film on solar eclipses
Giuseppe Gavazza (1957)
Sébastien Gaxie (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Chercheurs d’ornyx for electroacoustic device, piano, tablas, saxophones and vocals, 17 mn 19 s, Inédit
Cinq maillages pour orchestre, 10 mn
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Communication à une académie ballet for solo trombone and ensemble, 11 mn 30 s
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elec ircam Continuous Snapshots for piano and electronics, 15 mn, édition du compositeur
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Cosmic Dance for soloist, choir shool, choir, organ and orchestra
elec Cyber punk for electroacoustic tape, 4 mn 40 s, Inédit
elec stage Céleste ma planète opera for soprano, baritone, orchestra and electronics
Rolf Gehlhaar (1943-2019)
Ada Gentile (1947)
Marta Gentilucci (1973) Biography Documentary resources
Stefano Gervasoni (1962) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Capriccio ostico for ensemble, 17 mn, Suvini Zerboni
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Chhamp for flute and eleven pairs of instruments, 23 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Chi? - Azione musicale per coro di bambini e otto musicisti for double children's choir, oboe, clarinet (and bass clarinet), bassoon, percussions, accordion, violin, viola and cello, 15 mn, Ricordi
Clamour third string quartet, 20 mn about , Suvini Zerboni
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elec ircam Com que voz concert of melodies on sonnets by Luís Vaz de Camões and fados by Amália Rodrigues, 1 h 20 mn, Suvini Zerboni
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Concertino per contrabbasso for double bass and ensemble, 6 mn, Ricordi
Concertino per voce e fischietti for voice and ten performers each playing four types of whistling objects, 3 mn, Ricordi
Concerto pour alto for viola and fifteen instruments, 26 mn, Ricordi
Daniele Ghisi (1984) Biography Documentary resources
elec Chansons for cello or viola, piano and electronics, 11 mn
Cinque frammenti per l’agonia del bianco for female voice, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, 10 mn, Inédit
Come di tempeste for string quartet, 11 mn, Ricordi
elec Come un lasciapassare for orchestra and electronics, 10 mn, Ricordi
elec ircam Ircam cursus Comment pouvez-vous lire à présent ? Il fait nuit for alto saxophone and live electronics, 10 mn
Concertino for fifteen musicians, 11 mn, Ricordi
Concerto per fagotto e orchestra ‘del sangue, del mare’ for bassoon and orchestra, 25 mn, Inédit
Coriolis for chamber orchestra
Malte Giesen (1988) Biography Documentary resources
elec Concerto for hyperreal piano and orchestra, between 26 mn and 30 mn, BabelScores
Núria Giménez-Comas (1980) Biography Documentary resources
Alberto Evaristo Ginastera (1916-1983) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources