Works / By title
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1528 works beginning with r
Luciano Berio (1925-2003) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Récital spatial stage music for the play by Paola Borboni
Bruno Maderna (1920-1973) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Requiem for soloists, choir and orchestra, manuscrit
Bruno Maderna (1920-1973) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Ritratto di Erasmo radio piece, for reciters, choir and orchestra, 60 mn
Eric Maestri (1980) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Recombinant #3 video, with Olivier Perriquet, 5 mn
- elec Rests for electronics, 19 mn, Suvini Zerboni
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Ritratto vivente for violin and electronics, 7 mn, Inédit
- Ritratto voce for solo voice, 6 mn
- elec Ritratto voce for mezzosoprano and electronics (new version), 7 mn
Michelle Agnes Magalhaes (1979) Biography Documentary resources
- Rio for tenor and four instruments, 6 mn
Joan Magrané Figuera (1988) Biography Documentary resources
- Réveil for trumpet, 3 mn
Stanislav Makovsky (1988) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Regle electroacoustic, 7 mn about
Ivo Malec (1925-2019) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Recitativo for magnetic tape, 13 mn, Salabert
- elec Reflets for magnetic tape, 2 mn 33 s
Claudy Malherbe (1950) Biography
- Récit for narrator, five voices and seven instruments, 20 mn, pas d'éditeur [program note]
Philippe Manoury (1952) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Ring (premier volet de la Trilogie Köln) for spatialized orchestra, 36 mn, Durand
- Rémanences-Palimpseste for orchestra, Durand
- Réseaux for piano, 3 mn, Durand
Bruno Mantovani (1974) Biography Documentary resources
- Round... for alto saxophone and ensemble, partition retirée du catalogue
Adam Maor (1983) Biography Documentary resources
- Rasputin Comes and Goes for viola, 10 mn
Patrick Marcland (1944) Biography Documentary resources
- stage Rythmes d'auprès for an actor and bass flute, 20 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
- Rythmes, Lumières, Espace for bass flute solo, 10 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
Yan Maresz (1966) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Recto for orchestra, 26 mn, Durand [program note]
- elec ircam Répliques for augmented harp and orchestra, 16 mn, Durand [program note]
Alexandros Markeas (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Rallye concerto for piano and ensemble
- stage Re:Walden music for the show by Jean-François Peyret
- elec stage Remarques sur les couleurs musical theater for nine instrumentalists and four actors
- stage Rhapsodie monstre theatrical and musical action, for an actor, two singers, four percussion instruments, four saxhorns and piano
- stage Rondo notturno (jardin secret) ballet, for ten instrumentalists
Jug Marković (1987) Biography Documentary resources
- Rave for two pianos, 4 mn 40 s
- elec rusty rose for flute, cello, percussion and electronics, 6 mn
Heinz Marti (1934) Biography
- Response for string trio, Inédit
Benedict Mason (1954) Biography Documentary resources
- elec stage Rilke Songs for soprano and ensemble, 15 mn, Chester Music
- elec Room Purcell for five viols and three tapes, 5 mn, Chester Music
Christian Mason (1984) Biography Documentary resources
- Remember the Golden Age? for twelve harmonicas and one percussion, 7 mn
- Remembered Radiance for piano and percussion, 18 mn
- Remembered Resonance for piano and Japanese carillon, 8 mn, édition du compositeur
- elec stage Remnants for four live voices and pre-recorded choir, 1 h 10 mn
Martin Matalon (1958) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Relatos concerto for orchestra, 27 mn about
- Rugged for orchestra, 10 mn, Billaudot
- elec ircam stage Rugged lines ballet for nine instruments and electronics, 50 mn, Eschig
- elec Rugged lines memos for nine instruments and electronics, 20 mn, Eschig
Jawher Matmati (1993)
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Ricercar for accordion and electronics, 9 mn [program note]
Yoriaki Matsudaïra (1931)
- Rhymes for Gazzelloni for flute, 6 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Frédéric Maurin (1976) Biography Documentary resources
- RANDOM ISSUES for 15 instrumentalists, 12 mn, Bauer Verlag
- RITUEL for 13 instrumentalists and 4 voices, 22 mn
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies (1934-2016) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Reliqui Domum Meum for organ, 3 mn, Chester Music
- Remo et Aura for piano
- stage Resurrection one-act opera with prologue, 1 h 19 mn, Chester Music
- Roma Amor for orchestra, 40 mn, Chester Music
Clara Maïda (1963) Biography Documentary resources
- Repeats, defeats for oboe, clarinet, violin and cello, 9 mn 38 s