Works / By title
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4504 works beginning with t
David Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
- teach your children for soprano, children's choir, mixed choir and orchestra, 25 mn
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources
- the beautiful square for quartet, 1 h 4 mn
- the daughter of necessity for oboe, percussion and piano, 18 mn
- toshi o hete for flute and organ, 4 mn
- tönendes licht for organ and large orchestra
Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
- elec The Travel Agency is on Fire for soprano, saxophone, cello, synthesizer, electric guitar, percussion and visuals, 42 mn, Ricordi
Mauro Lanza (1975) Biography Documentary resources
- elec The Kempelen machine for "prepared" voice, eight instruments and electromagnetic devices, 20 mn, Ricordi
- elec ircam The 1987 Max Headroom Broadcast Incident for augmented string quartet, 11 mn, Ricordi [program note]
- elec The Lincolnshire Poacher for six musicians and electronics, 18 mn, Ricordi
- The skin of the onion for six instruments, 10 mn, Ricordi
- elec The voices didn’t stop after the war for recordings of Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) voices, string quartet and electronics, 10 mn, Ricordi
- Tutto ciò che è solido si dissolve nell'aria for six instruments, 10 mn, Ricordi
Jean-François Laporte (1968) Biography Documentary resources
- Tibet for solo bowl, 6 mn, Inédit
- Traces de poussières, 25 mn
- Tremblement de terre for loudspeaker orchestra and miscellaneous instruments, 18 mn, Inédit
- Tribal for orchestra of invented instruments, 55 mn, Inédit
- Trou noir, 10 mn
- Tshiluétum for eight musicians, invented instruments and outdoor space, 17 mn, Inédit
Ana Lara (1959) Biography Documentary resources
- Tribulaciones for two cellos and a piano, Inédit
Mario Lavista (1943-2021) Biography Documentary resources
- Talea for music box
- Tango del adulterio for piano
- Tango rag for piano
- elec stage The Fall of the House of Usher / La caída de la Casa Usher music for the play by Edgar Allan Poe
- elec stage The Innocents, after “Another Turn of the Screw” by Henry James music for the play by William Archibald
- Tres Bagatelas for string trio
- Tres Canciones for mezzo-soprano and piano
- Tres Miniaturas for guitar, Ediciones Mexicanas de Música
- Tres acrósticos nocturnos for piano
- Tres danzas seculares for cello and piano, 7 mn, Peer Music
- Tropo para Sor Juana, sobre el Sanctus de la Missa ad Consolationis Dominam Nostram for orchestra
- Trío no. 1 for violin, cello and piano
- Trío no. 2 for violin, cello and piano
- Tríptico for flute
Ramon Lazkano (1968) Biography Documentary resources
- Transcription de l'Ouverture « Los Esclavos Felices » de Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga
- Transcription de « Gernika » de Mikel Laboa for symphony orchestra
- Transcription des « Canciones Españolas Antiguas » de Federico García Lorca for voice and ensemble, Le Chant du Monde
- Transcription des « Chants et danses de la mort » de Modeste Moussorgsky for voice and small orchestra, Le Chant du Monde
- Ttakun for orchestra, 9 mn, Editorial Tritó
Anne Le Baron
- The Sea and the Honeycomb, 8 mn, pas d'éditeur
Frédéric Le Bel (1985) Biography Documentary resources
- Teatro d'Ombre for flute, clarinet, piano and violin, 6 mn
- Trajectoires for solo voice, 4 mn
Claude Ledoux (1960) Biography Documentary resources
- The Forthcoming Issue for piano, 5 mn
- Torrent for cello and ensemble, 25 mn
- Trois Itinérances three pieces for soprano, alto saxophone and piano, 15 mn
- Trois petites pièces for piano, 8 mn
- Trouble of evidence for harpsichord, 6 mn
Hans-Ulrich Lehmann (1937) Biography
- Tractus for flute, oboe and clarinet, 9 mn, Ars Viva
Claude Lenners (1956) Biography
- Tête-ä -tête I for flute and violin, 9 mn, Lemoine
Jacques Lenot (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- The Julian Trio for flute, cello and piano, 14 mn, Salabert
- Tormentoso for solo clarinet, 10 mn, l'Oiseau Prophète