Works / By composition date
492 works
Anestis Logothetis (1921-1994) Documentary resources
Luca Lombardi (1945) Biography
Ein Klang für Oboe und sieben Instrumente, Inédit
Majakowskij cantata per basso, coro misto, sette strumenti, 35 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Alain Louvier (1945) Biography Documentary resources
elec ircam stage Casta Diva music for the choreographic show by Maurice Béjart, 1 h 25 mn, Alphonse Leduc
Joutes for two harps, 25 mn, Inédit
Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Witold Lutosławski (1913-1994) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Tod Machover (1953) Biography
Dieter Mack (1954) Biography Documentary resources
Kebyar for flute and piano, 7 mn, Bärenreiter
Ivo Malec (1925-2019) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Recitativo for magnetic tape, 13 mn, Salabert
Philippe Manoury (1952) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies (1934-2016) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
A Welcome to Orkney for ensemble, 3 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Farewell to Stromness interlude of The Yellow Cake Revue, for piano, 5 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Farewell to Stromness for guitar, 5 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Symphony No. 2 for orchestra, 55 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
The Yellow Cake Revue for singer or narrator and piano, 25 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Yesnaby Ground arrangement for two guitars, 3 mn
Yesnaby Ground interlude of The Yellow Cake Revue, for piano, 3 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Costin Miereanu (1943) Documentary resources
Wolfgang Mitterer (1958) Biography Documentary resources
Meredith Monk (1942) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Marc Monnet (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Du soleil et de la lune for soprano, narrator and ensemble, 24 mn, Ricordi
Fantasia semplice for cello, 16 mn, Ricordi
La joie du gaz devant les croisées for piano, 8 mn, Ricordi
Les Accrocs croquant les accords for lute, 8 mn, cerise music
Livre fragile for sixteen voices, 12 mn
Membra disjecta six pieces for soloists and small ensemble, partition retirée du catalogue
stage Pour six pianistes for three pianos and three painted keyboards, Inédit
Roue lubrique for Poussot monochord, partition retirée du catalogue
Solos de trio percussion trio, Inédit
Ennio Morricone (1928-2020) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Gestazione for female voice, piano, harpsichord, pre-recorded electronic sounds / Hammond organ / electric harmonium, tam-tam, viola, double bass and string orchestra ad libitum, Suvini Zerboni
Roland Moser (1943) Biography
Wal for a large heavy orchestra with five saxophones, pas d'éditeur
Tristan Murail (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Gondwana for orchestra, 16 mn, Ed. Musicales Transatlantiques
François-Bernard Mâche (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Phonographies de l'eau Regmin, Ianassa, Proteus, Spéiô, for tape, 47 mn, Inédit
elec Sopiana for flute, piano and magnetic tape, 10 mn 30 s, Durand
Paul Méfano (1937-2020) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Danse bulgare n°1 after Bartok, for string orchestra, 1 mn 50 s, Salabert
Traits suspendus for double contrabass flute or flute in G, 4 mn, Salabert
Variations libres for strings, 10 mn 20 s, BabelScores
Variations libres after Bartok, for string orchestra, 1 mn 40 s, Salabert
Octavian Nemescu (1940)
Fabio Nieder (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Serge Nigg (1924-2008) Biography Documentary resources
Ichiro Nodaïra (1953) Biography Documentary resources