Works / By composition date
913 works
Michael Gordon (1956) Biography Documentary resources
Malika Kishino (1971) Biography Documentary resources
Epure for string quartet, 15 mn 22 s, Suvini Zerboni
Petar-Kresimir Klanac (1971) Biography Documentary resources
Oliver Knussen (1952-2018) Biography Documentary resources
Sven-Ingo Koch (1974) Biography Documentary resources
Anders und Y for clarinet and piano, édition du compositeur
ozneK for accordion, édition du compositeur
elec saxl for 4-channel tape
Juha T. Koskinen (1972) Biography Documentary resources
Rolands Kronlaks (1973) Biography
György Kurtág (1926) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Aus der Ferne V for string quartet, 3 mn 30 s, Editio Musica
Bagatelles for flute, piano and double bass, arrangements of pieces from Játékok, 10 mn, Editio Musica
Einige Sätze aus den Sudelbüchern Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs revised version for soprano and double bass, Editio Musica
Esterházy Péter: Fancsikó és Pinta (Töredékek) - Bevezetés a Szépéneklés Müvészetébe I for solo voice and piano and celesta (one instrumentalist), Editio Musica
Myriam Marbé in memoriam for three recorders, 5 mn, Editio Musica
Négy capriccio for soprano and chamber orchestra, to texts by István Bálint, 9 mn, Universal Edition
[program note]
elec Zwiegespräch for string quartet and electronics (co-composed with György Kurtág jr), variable, Editio Musica
Hanspeter Kyburz (1960) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
À travers for clarinet and small orchestra, 18 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Helmut Lachenmann (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Nun for flute, trombone, choir and orchestra, 38 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources
Der Herr der Insel for solo flute, 9 mn
Der Tor, die Königin und der silberne Schuh for flute and piano, 15 mn
Die Kartoffeln der Königin for clarinet, trombone, cello and double bass (or piano), 9 mn
Die drei Spiegel der schönen Karin for solo double bass, 13 mn
Die vier Wege zum Berge Zion for cello, 10 mn
die fenster des universums for violin, cello and piano, 6 mn
die goldenen tiere. for flute, horn, violin, viola and two instruments of your choice, 15 mn
einfalt. stille. for soprano, flute, percussion and viola, 50 mn
mars attacks. for organ, 24 mn
offizium paperum for twelve musicians, 24 mn
David Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
diet coke for piano, 2 mn, Schirmer
grind for piano, 2 mn, Schirmer
little eye for cello and four non-percussionists, 7 mn, Schirmer
my very empty mouth for bedroom ensemble, 13 mn, Schirmer
sweet air for chamber ensemble, 8 mn, Schirmer
Mauro Lanza (1975) Biography Documentary resources
Jean-François Laporte (1968) Biography Documentary resources
Hommage for solo trumpet, 15 mn, Inédit
Impression for cello and rough surface, 8 mn, Inédit
Intimité for solo flute, 10 mn, Inédit
La Puissance de la fragilité for violin and cello, 14 mn, Inédit
Le Chemin de croix for a musician and fifty saw blades, 10 mn, Inédit
Les Sirènes volantes harbor symphony for prepared train and ship sirens, 18 mn, Inédit
Offrande for solo cello, 6 mn, Inédit
Rituel for flying can, 10 mn, Inédit
Ana Lara (1959) Biography Documentary resources