Works / By type
9281 works for Instrumental ensemble music
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Aallottaret symphonic poem for orchestra, 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Barden symphonic poem for orchestra, 8 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Dryad tone poem for orchestra, 6 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
En saga tone poem for orchestra, 18 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Skogrået tone poem, 22 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Symphonie n° 4 en la mineur for orchestra, 40 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Tapiola symphonic poem for large orchestra, 20 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
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Vårsang symphonic poem for orchestra, 12 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Samuel Sighicelli (1972) Biography Documentary resources
ANIMA POLIS et AGORA for 10-musician ensemble and Caravaggio band, 35 mn
Accaduto for sixteen musicians, 11 mn
stage Fragments pour une théorie des masses à l'usage des jeunes générations four tableaux for youth orchestra and eight young actors, 40 mn
IMPETUS, MACHINE, OVERFLOW, RUSH, FALLOUT for ensemble of traditional and new instruments, 18 mn
elec Impulsions for orchestra set up with twenty-six strings, sampler and three participating musicians, 25 mn
Let's paint for large orchestra, 16 mn
elec Main Things for ten instruments and three improvisers, 24 mn, Jobert - Lemoine
elec Mescaline (en pensant à l'infini turbulent de Henri Michaux) for ensemble and electronics, 14 mn
elec Nearby for sixteen musicians and video with partial sound, 26 mn
Step by step for concert band (35 musicians), 8 mn
Troubled Gardens for large orchestra, 14 mn
Upon the rock for twenty-nine musicians, 12 mn
Samuel Sighicelli (1972) Biography Documentary resources
elec Dual Ritual for string quartet, brass quartet and jazz trio, 30 mn
Duplex , Tala , Al filo , Circus 1, 2 et 3 for eleven musicians, 30 mn
elec Dusty for eight instruments, sampler and fixed sounds, 17 mn 30 s, Jobert - Lemoine
elec Saison des cris for seven instruments, 20 mn, Jobert - Lemoine
elec Slalom for nine instruments and sampler, 13 mn, Jobert - Lemoine
Elżbieta Sikora (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
... selon Pascal II for ensemble, 17 mn
Ecce Homo for orchestra, 8 mn
Eine kleine Tagmusik for seven instruments, 12 mn
Five Miniatures for orchestra, 15 mn, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
Liquid Air for orchestra, 15 mn, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
Ouverture pour orchestre, 10 mn, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
elec Przejście podziemne for orchestra and electronics, 15 mn, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
Rappel II for orchestra, 17 mn
Rappel III for string orchestra, 12 mn
elec ircam Sonosphère III. Symfonia Wrocławska for orchestra and electronics, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
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elec ircam Sonosphère IV. Symfonia Wrocławska for orchestra and electronics, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
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Suite III for orchestra, 21 mn
Symphonie n° 1 Shadows, 14 mn
Jean-Marc Singier (1954) Biography Documentary resources
A gogo, de guingois... for instrumental ensemble, 8 mn, Una Corda
Blocs, en vrac de bric et de broc, 7 mn, Una Corda
Chocs d'embouts de bribes en ribambelles : déclics, mic-macs for ensemble, 10 mn, Lemoine
Ebauches, en boucles, et chants d'éclats for large orchestra, 22 mn, Lemoine
Farandoles de bribes, en ribambelles for five instruments, 5 mn, Lemoine
Flux for orchestra, 15 mn, Lemoine
Rouages d'oeillades, voire... for seven instruments, 8 mn, Lemoine
S'immiscent, en phases, en lice, en files, pêle-mêle for instrumental ensemble, 8 mn, Una Corda
Tohu-bohu d'intrus for brass ensemble and percussion, 12 mn, Lemoine
Alvin Singleton (1940) Documentary resources
Benjamin de la Fuente (1969) Documentary resources