Works / By type
2709 works for A cappella vocal music
Sylvano Bussotti (1931-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
" E ritorna la notte ..." for mixed choir, b.o.b. (bussottioperaballet)
Ancora odono i colli for vocal sextet, 10 mn, Ricordi
Autunno for mixed choir, b.o.b. (bussottioperaballet)
Cantantibus Organis for mixed choir, b.o.b. (bussottioperaballet)
El Carbonero for five mixed voices, from a popular Spanish motif, 13 mn, Ricordi
Kabaka Mwanga for actor, tenor and male choir, b.o.b. (bussottioperaballet)
La curva dell'amore for vocal sextet, 12 mn, Ricordi
Lachrimae for soprano, variable, Ricordi
Lettura di Braibanti, Sette fogli 4 for solo voice, 5 mn, Ricordi
Manifesto for choir
Per ventiquattro voci adulte o blanche, Ricordi
Questo Fauno (scrigno William Blake) for low-picthed voice, b.o.b. (bussottioperaballet)
Questo Fauno Pan (Sprechmelodie) for low-pitched voice, b.o.b. (bussottioperaballet)
Rar'ancora per vocal sextet, 9 mn, Ricordi
Siciliano for twelve male voices, 2 mn, Ricordi
Solo el misterio for choir, with contribution of an actor, bells, whistles and a piano, 7 mn, Ricordi
Voce Bianca children's choir a cappella, variable, Ricordi
Maurilio Cacciatore (1981) Biography Documentary resources
John Cage (1912-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
36 Mesostics Re and not Re Marcel Duchamp
45' for a Speaker, 45 mn, Inédit
A Chant with Claps for voice and hand clapping, Inédit
Anarchy for voice
Aria for voice, 12 mn, Peters
Communication for narrator
Eight Whiskus for voice, 4 mn, Peters
Empty Words for voice, Inédit
Experiences II for solo voice, 4 mn, Peters
How to pass kick, fall and run for a speaker
I-VI for mesostic voice with different sound sources
Lecture on Commitment for voice
Lecture on Nothing rhythmically structured speech with silences, 20 mn
Lecture on Something rhythmically structured speech with silences
elec Letters to Erik Satie for voice and cassette
Mirakus 2 for voice, 9 mn, Peters
elec Muoyce No. 2 for narrator with six recordings of traffic sounds from different cities, 60 mn about , autre
elec Mureau for narrator (s) and magnetic tapes, autre
Mushrooms “et variationes” for a speaker
One12 for narrator, Peters
Selkus 2 for voice, 9 mn, Peters
elec Sixty-two mesostics Re Merce Cunningham for voice with microphone, between 7 mn 30 s and 3 h, Peters
Solo for voice 2 for voice or choir, Peters
Solo for voice I for solo voice or as part of the Concert for piano and orchestra, variable, Peters
Solos for Voice 93-96 four solos for voice, for solo or combination of soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and bass, 15 mn, Peters
Sonnekus 2 for voice, 6 mn, Peters
elec Speech for narrator and five radios, variable, Peters
Stufen: an Autoku for Siegfried Unseld for voice
Themes and Variations for a speaker
Time (Three Autokus) three texts for narrator
Unfinished composition for voice for voice, Inédit