Works / By type
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- Solo (excluding voice)
Chamber music
Sextet and larger ensembles
- Other sextets and larger ensembles with diverse instrumentation
- Winds, keyboard, percussion, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds, keyboard, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and keyboard - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and percussion - 6 or more musicians
- Strings, 6 or more musicians, with or without keyboard
- Percussion and/or keyboard, 6 or more musicians
- Winds, 6 or more musicians
- Unspecified instruments, 6 or more musicians
- Quintet
- Quartet
- Trio
- Duo
Sextet and larger ensembles
Instrumental ensemble music
- Orchestral music
Instrumental ensemble, one to a part
- Non-standard mixed instrumental ensemble
- Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
- Instrumental ensemble of the same family
- Unspecified or undetermined instrumental ensemble
Concertant music
- 4 or more soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 3 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 2 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- Other solo instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Bowed strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Plucked strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Keyboard and ensemble/orchestra
- Percussion and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo brass instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo woodwind instrument and ensemble/orchestra
Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s), solo instrument(s) and ensemble/orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and plucked strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and keyboard
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and percussion
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and wind instrument
- A cappella vocal music
8825 works for Solo instrument
Maurice Ohana (1913-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Cadran lunaire suite for ten-string guitar, 20 mn, Billaudot [program note]
- Carillons pour les heures du jour et de la nuit for harpsichord, 7 mn, Billaudot [program note]
- Deux pièces pour clavecin, 11 mn 40 s, Jobert [program note]
- Douze Etudes d'interprétation first book, for piano, 29 mn, Jobert [program note]
- Douze Etudes d'interprétation second book, for piano, 23 mn, Jobert [program note]
- Enterrar y callar (Capricho n°1) for piano, 4 mn 30 s, Billaudot [program note]
- Hommage à Luis Milan (Capricho n°2) for piano [program note]
- Homère et Orchidée for zither, partition retirée du catalogue
- Paso (Capricho n°3) for piano [program note]
- Si le jour paraît... suite for ten-string guitar, 25 mn, Billaudot [program note]
- Sonatine monodique for piano, 10 mn, Billaudot [program note]
- Tiento for harpsichord, 5 mn 45 s, Billaudot
- Tiento for guitar, 5 mn 45 s, Billaudot [program note]
- Trois Caprices (3 Caprichos) for piano, 14 mn 50 s, Billaudot
- Vingt-quatre Préludes for piano, 42 mn about , Jobert [program note]
Megumi Okuda (1993)
- elec Ircam cursus QU for trumpet (pre-recorded), electronics, and holographic video, 9 mn [program note]
Tiberiu Olah (1928)
- Sonate pour flûte, 7 mn, Salabert
Clara Olivares (1993) Biography Documentary resources
- Aux nouveaux-nés for clarinetist
- Babils for accordion
- elec Danse des ondes for percussionist and live electronics
- Incantation for alto / piccolo saxophone
- La supplique des mes chants for piano
- L’Envol for alto saxophone
- Morphogénésis for flute
- Organisation du Mystère for accordion
- elec Ovum for percussionist (1 egg) and amplification
- Physichromie N° 209 for clarinet
- Pinocchio for accordion
- Poltergeist for alto saxophone
- elec Ircam cursus Solide, amorphe, fragile et transparent for percussion and electronics, 8 mn [program note]
Tomislav Oliver (1987) Oeuvre
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Percées de lumière for saxophone, video and electronics, 8 mn [program note]
Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- A Fluting Moment for flute
- All Fours for the Drum Bun for percussion
- elec Apple Box for amplified boxe and small items
- elec Big Room for trombone and Expanded Instrument System, Deep Listening Publications.
- elec Circuitry for percussion and light projections
- Elephant Call for trumpet
- Essay for piano
- Five for trumpet and dancer
- Fugue for piano
- Horn Etudes for horn
- I've Got You under My Skin for percussion
- Intensity 21.5 for bass flute
- Ode to a Morbid Marble for piano
- elec Red Shifts for trombone, oscillators and noise generators, Deep Listening Publications.
- Sister Dreams for percussion
- Song for piano
- elec The Heart of Tones for trombone, oscillator and free accompaniment, Deep Listening Publications.
- The Wheel of Fortune for clarinet, slides and costumes
- elec stage Theater Piece for Trombone Player trombone, pipes and 2-track tape