Works / By type
2953 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
Grégoire Lorieux (1976) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Coeur révélateur show for prepared piano, actress, electronics and video, based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe and the comic book by Alberto Breccia
Grégoire Lorieux (1976) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Coeur révélateur show for prepared piano, actress, electronics and video, based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe and the comic book by Alberto Breccia
Jennifer Walshe (1974) Biography Documentary resources
Ying Wang (1976) Biography Documentary resources
GAWA for female voice and ocarina, 6 mn
Sue Ya Wang (1965) Biography
Ying Wang (1976) Biography Documentary resources
F-Ü-I-D for baritone and piano, 12 mn
WA for female voice and percussion, 7 mn
Anton Webern (1883-1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Am Ufer for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Arnold Schoenberg, Sechs Orchesterlieder op. 8 arrangement for voice and piano, Universal Edition
Aufblick for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Bild der Liebe for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Blumengruss for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Das lockere Saatgefilde lechzet krank for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Der Tod for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Drei Gesänge, Op. 23 for voice and piano, between 6 mn and 7 mn, Universal Edition
Drei Lieder, Op. 25 for voice and piano, 4 mn, Universal Edition
Erwachen aus dem tiefsten Traumesschosse for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Freunde for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Fromm for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Fünf Lieder Op. 3 for medium voice and piano, 4 mn, Universal Edition
Fünf Lieder Op. 4 for soprano and piano, 8 mn, Universal Edition
Gebet for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Gefunden for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Heimgang in der Frühe for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Heiter for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Helle Nacht for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Himmelfahrt for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
I. kantate arrangement of Op. 29 for voices and piano, 8 mn, Universal Edition
II. Kantate arrangement of Op. 31 for soprano, bass, mixed choir and piano, 13 mn, Universal Edition
Ideale Landschaft for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Kunftag I for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Nachtgebet der Braut for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Nächtliche Scheu for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Othmar Schoeck : Das Schloß Dürande (opéra) reduction for piano and voice, Universal Edition
Rudolf Wagner-Régeny : Johanna Balk (opéra) reduction for piano and voice, Universal Edition
Sommerabend for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Tief von fern for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Trauer I for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Vier Lieder arrangement of Op. 13 for soprano and piano, 7 mn, Universal Edition
Vier Lieder, Op. 12 for voice and piano, 5 mn, Universal Edition
Vorfrühling for voice and piano, Carl Fischer
Zwei Lieder arrangement of Op. 19 for mixed choir and piano, 2 mn, Universal Edition
Wilfried Wendling (1972) Biography Documentary resources
Wilfried Wendling (1972) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Ce que disent les voix show for electric guitar, actor, electronics and video, based on a poem by Luc Boltanski
[program note]
elec stage Contraintes show for 2 actresses/singers, harp and electronics, on texts by Queneau, Roubaud, Jouet and the OuLiPiens
Michael Wertmüller (1966) Biography Documentary resources
Jörg Widmann (1973) Biography Documentary resources