Works / By type
11146 works for Chamber music
Johannes Maria Staud (1974) Biography Documentary resources
Dichotomie for string quartet, 16 mn, Universal Edition
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Für Bálint András Varga four miniatures for violin, cello and piano, Universal Edition
Lagrein for violin, clarinet, cello and piano, 13 mn, Universal Edition
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Stringendo (Zugabe für Emil Breisach) for string quartet, 3 mn, Universal Edition
Sydenham Music for flute, viola and harp, 7 mn, Universal Edition
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Wasserzeichen for bass clarinet, cello and piano, 10 mn, Universal Edition
Marcin Stańczyk (1977) Biography Documentary resources
4’34’’ short piece against John Cage, musical happening for cello, clarinet and piano, 10 mn about
Afterimages for violin and piano, 10 mn 20 s
elec ircam Aftersounds for two percussionists and electronics, 15 mn
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Geysir – Grisey for two pianos, violin, viola and double bass, 12 mn 3 s
Suggested music for two saxophones, electric guitar and piano, 9 mn 30 s
Simon Steen-Andersen (1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Amid for seven instruments and amplification (optional), 10 mn, Edition·S
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elec Among (Unattended Ones) for two percussionists with adjustable amplification, 12 mn
elec Besides for amplified piano, piccolo flute, violin and "damped" string trio, 13 mn, Edition·S
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Difficulties Putting it Into Practice for 2 or 4 amplified performers, 12 mn, Edition·S
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elec Im Rauschen for two flutes, clarinet and intra-instrumental playback, 10 mn, Edition·S
Impromptu for wood quartet
elec In Spite Of, And Maybe Even Therefore for three amplified instruments and four non-amplified instruments, 9 mn, Edition·S
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elec Inszenierte Nacht for seven instruments and electronics, 50 mn
elec Nothing Integrated for clarinet, percussion, cello and live video, 21 mn
On And Off And To And Fro for three instruments and three players with megaphones, 15 mn, Edition·S
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Spin-Off for soprano saxophone, optional trumpet, accordion and double bass, 3 mn, Edition·S
String Quartet for string quartet, 10 mn, Edition·S
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elec String Quartet #2 for string quartet, 14 mn, Edition·S
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Study for Saxophone and Percussion for saxophone and percussion
Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec stage Ave for basset horn and alto flute, 23 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Balance for bass clarinet, English horn and flute, 30 mn, Inédit
elec Bijou for alto flute, bass clarinet and tape, 15 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Elufa for flute, basset horn and electronics ad libitum, 7 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Expo for three instrumentalists-singers, with three shortwave receivers, 1 h 10 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Freude for two harps, 41 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Für Kommende Zeiten seventeen texts for intuitive music, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Halt for trumpet and double bass, 15 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Kathinkas Gesang als Luzifers Requiem version for flute and multiple piano, 33 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Knaben - Duft solo for viola with synthesizer and six vocalists (live or recorded), 7 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Knabenduett for two soprano saxophones or two other instruments, 4 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Kontakte for piano, percussion and tape, 35 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
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elec Laub und Regen for clarinet and viola, 11 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Licht - Ruf for trumpet, basset horn and trombones or other instruments, 1 h 50 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Mission und Himmelfahrt for trumpet and basset horn, 18 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Nasenflügeltanz for percussion and synthesizer or for solo percussion, 7 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Pole for two instrumentalists-singers with two shortwave receivers, 1 h 5 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Saxophone for soprano and bongo saxophone or for solo soprano saxophone, 6 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Schönheit Klang, 6. Stunde, for bass clarinet, flute and trumpet, 30 mn, Inédit
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Sonatine for violin and piano, 11 mn, Universal Edition
elec Sukat for basset horn and alto flute, 8 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Tanze Luzefa ! for basset horn and bass clarinet, 6 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Tierkreis for clarinet and piano, 24 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Treue Klang, 11. Stunde, for bass clarinet, basset horn and clarinet in Eb, 30 mn, Inédit
elec stage Wochenkreis (die sieben Lieder der Tage) duo for basset horn and synthesizer, 25 mn, Stockhausen Verlag