Works / By type
11146 works for Chamber music
Jürg Frey (1953) Biography Documentary resources
(Unbetitelt) Nr.6 for string quartet, 17 mn
3 Trompeten für Erik Satie for trumpets, 5 mn, Wandelweiser
Anonymous Melodies for flauto traverso, violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord, 20 mn, Wandelweiser
Colours of silence for two keyboards and percussion, 25 mn, Wandelweiser
Haut-Jorat for violin, clarinet and piano, 5 mn, Wandelweiser
Itinéraires circulaires for flute, violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord, 60 mn
elec Landschaft mit Wörtern (8) for flute, cello, harmonica and electronics, 60 mn, Wandelweiser
elec Landschaft mit Wörtern (9) for flute, violin, viola, cello and electronics, 19 mn, Wandelweiser
Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 1 - 5 five pieces for flute, clarinet, cello and trombone, 2 mn, Wandelweiser
Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 11 for saxophone (or clarinet) and two electric guitars, 5 mn, Wandelweiser
Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 18-19 et 21-23 for saxophone (or clarinet) and two electric guitars, between 2 mn and 5 mn, Wandelweiser
Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 20 for violin, piano and percussion, 3 mn, Wandelweiser
Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 6 for electric guitar, clarinet and trombone, 4 mn, Wandelweiser
Metal, Stone, Skin, Foliage, Air for percussion (4 musicians), 1 h 7 mn, Wandelweiser
Ohne Titel (Drei Stimmen) for violin, piano and percussion, 28 mn, Wandelweiser
Ohne Titel (Violine, Klavier, Schlagzeug) for violin, piano and percussion, 45 mn, Wandelweiser
Ombre si fragile for violin, cello and piano, 9 mn, Wandelweiser
Ombre si fragile (version 2010) for violin (or clarinet), cello and piano, 13 mn, Wandelweiser
Orchestra for oboe, clarinet and electric guitar, 15 mn, Wandelweiser
Paysage aux lieux dormants for clarinet and string quartet, 5 mn, Wandelweiser
Paysage pour Gustave Roud for violin, cello and piano, 10 mn, Wandelweiser
Quintett 1 for clarinet and string quartet, 13 mn, Wandelweiser
Schatten der Bewegung for clarinet, cello and electric guitar, 22 mn, Wandelweiser
Some places for flute, viola, cello and stones, 48 mn, Wandelweiser
Sound of Silence for two keyboards and percussion, 25 mn
St.Dizier - L'Evêque, Lagrange, Chaux, Felon for violin, piano and percussion, 15 mn, Wandelweiser
Stranger with Melody (2) for electric guitar, saxophone and trombone, 4 mn, Wandelweiser
Streichquartett for string quartet, 13 mn, Wandelweiser
Streichquartett 2 for string quartet, 27 mn, Wandelweiser
Streichtrio for violin, viola and cello, 19 mn, Wandelweiser
String Quartet No.4, 1 h 5 mn, Wandelweiser
Three Instruments, Series I-XVIII for clarinet, violin and percussion, 4 h, Wandelweiser
Tombeau for flute, oboe, clarinet and tuba, 12 mn, Wandelweiser
Trio Signs and Ornaments for clarinet, electric guitar and trombone, 45 mn, Wandelweiser
Unhörbare Zeit for flute, clarinet, trombone and cello, 39 mn, Wandelweiser
chorales and vage canons for electric guitar, saxophone and trombone, 35 mn, Wandelweiser
circular music no. 7 for clarinet, violin and percussion, 4 mn, Wandelweiser
extended circular music no. 1 for string trio and piano, 5 mn, Wandelweiser
extended circular music no. 4 for string trio and piano, 11 mn, Wandelweiser
extended circular music no. 7 for four saxophones, 12 mn about , Wandelweiser
lucid plane for violin, clarinet and percussion, 8 mn, Wandelweiser
mémoire, horizon for four saxophones, 25 mn, Wandelweiser
streichquartett 3 for string quartet, 29 mn, Wandelweiser
string trio for violin, viola and cello, 48 mn, Wandelweiser
the wind moves them for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and guitar, 25 mn, Wandelweiser
toucher l'air (Bassflöte, Cello, Klavier), 10 mn, Wandelweiser
toucher l'air (quatre percussions), 30 mn, Wandelweiser
un champ de tendresse parsemé d'adieux (1) for clarinet, violin and piano, 15 mn, Wandelweiser
un champ de tendresse parsemé d'adieux (5a) for piano and string quartet, 18 mn, Wandelweiser
un champ de tendresse parsemé d'adieux (5b) for clarinet and string quartet, 18 mn, Wandelweiser