Works / By type
2098 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
Michael Gordon (1956) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Lost Objects for voices, choir, DJ, baroque orchestra and ensemble, 1 h 2 mn, Red Poppy
Michael Gordon (1956) Biography Documentary resources
stage Water for choir and orchestra, 1 h 16 mn, Red Poppy
Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Cantata for wartime for women's choir and orchestra, 12 mn, Universal Edition
stage Cefalo e Procri fable in a prologue and three tableaux, 35 mn, Universal Edition
stage Chrysomallos opera in four acts, Bärenreiter
stage Claudio Monteverdi, L'Incoronazione di Poppea arrangement, Universal Edition
stage Dark waters one act opera, 56 mn, Bärenreiter
stage Das geheime Königreich Märchenoper in one act, 45 mn, Universal Edition
stage Der Diktator tragic opera in one act, 26 mn, Universal Edition
stage Der Sprung über den Schatten comic opera in three acts, 1 h 35 mn, Universal Edition
stage Die Zwingburg scenic cantata in one act, 55 mn, Universal Edition
Feiertags-Kantate for mezzo-soprano, baritone, narrator, mixed chamber choir and small orchestra, 25 mn, Universal Edition
Fragmente aus “Karl V.” for soprano and orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
Glauben und Wissen Dialektische Klang- und Gesangspiel, for choir, four reciters and orchestra, 28 mn, Bärenreiter
Ich singe wieder, wenn es tagt for mixed choir and string orchestra or string quartet, 3 mn, Universal Edition
stage Jedermann stage music for choir, two solo voices and ensemble, Inédit
stage Jonny spielt auf two-part opera, 1 h 50 mn, Universal Edition
stage Karl V two-part opera, 1 h 45 mn, Universal Edition
Kehraus um St. Stephan Musical satire in two parts, for solo voices, choir and orchestra, Bärenreiter
stage Leben des Orest grand opera in five acts, 2 h, Universal Edition
Messe “Gib uns den Frieden” for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra, 20 mn, Bärenreiter
Monolog der Stella concert aria for soprano and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
Nach wie vor der Reihe nach for two reciters and orchestra, 8 mn, Bärenreiter
Opus sine nomine oratorio in four movements for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra, 45 mn, Bärenreiter
stage Orpheus und Eurydike Schauspiel in three acts, 1 h 45 mn, Universal Edition
stage Pallas Athene weint opera in a prologue and three acts, 2 h 10 mn, Universal Edition
stage Schwergewicht oder Die Ehre der Nation burlesque operetta in one act, 25 mn, Universal Edition
Suite der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit for soprano and small orchestra, 17 mn, Universal Edition
Symeon der Stylit oratorio, 40 mn, Universal Edition
Szene der Eurydike for soprano and orchestra, 12 mn, Universal Edition
stage The Belltower opera in a prologue and three acts, 58 mn, Bärenreiter
Wechsellied zum Tanz Der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit, n°4, for soprano and orchestra, 4 mn, Universal Edition
György Kurtág (1926) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Bronius Kutavicius (1932)
Hanspeter Kyburz (1960) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Touché for soprano, tenor and orchestra, 22 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Helmut Lachenmann (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Les Consolations for sixteen mixed voices, orchestra and tape, 38 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources
Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Der Golem theater music for large orchestra, choir and voices, 1 h 40 mn, Ricordi
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources
Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
David Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources
David Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
stage modern painters opera in two acts for solo voices, choir and orchestra, 1 h 50 mn, Schirmer
Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
stage 'Der Hetzer' musical theatre from Verdi's Othello, for voices, large orchestra and choir with four rap interventions, 2 h, Ricordi
stage 'The End of Creation' musical theatre for voices, choir and orchestra, 35 mn, Ricordi
David Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources
BUCH ASCHE for three solo voices, choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn