Works / By type
2098 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Ani Maamin, un chant perdu et retrouvé for soprano, four narrators, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 10 mn, Eschig
Barba Garibo entertainment on themes of Menton folklore for mixed choir and orchestra, 20 mn 40 s, Heugel
stage Bolivar opera in three acts, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra
Cantata from proverbs for female choir and chamber orchestra, 9 mn 50 s, Mercury Music
Cantate de l'inauguration du Musée de l'Homme for vocal quartet and ensemble, 20 mn, Salabert
Cantate de l'initiation (Bar-mitzvah Israel 1948-1961) for mixed choir and orchestra (or choir and organ), 14 mn 13 s, Heugel
Cantate de la croix de charité for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra, 22 mn 15 s, Heugel
Cantate pour louer le Seigneur for mixed choir, children's choir and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
Cantate sur des textes de Chaucer (Captivity, Escape, Rejection) for mixed choir and orchestra, 15 mn 25 s, Heugel
Caroles for mixed choir and orchestra, 12 mn, Eschig
stage Christophe Colomb opera in two acts and twenty-seven tableaux, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, Universal Edition
stage David opera in five acts, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, Israeli Music Publications
stage I. Agamemnon opera for soprano, male choir and orchestra, 10 mn, Heugel
stage II. Les Choephores opera for soprano, baritone, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 30 mn, Heugel
stage III. Les Euménides opera in three acts for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Heugel
Invocation à l'ange Raphaël cantata in four parts, for female choir and orchestra, 14 mn, Eschig
stage L'homme et son désir ballet, for vocal quartet and ensemble, 16 mn 10 s, Universal Edition
La mort du tyran for mixed choir and orchestra, 6 mn 10 s, Le Chant du Monde
La sagesse for four voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 60 mn, Heugel
Le château de feu for mixed choir and orchestra, 12 mn 30 s, Eschig
Le mariage de la feuille et du cliché fantasia for voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 29 mn, Heugel
Les amours de Ronsard for mixed choir and orchestra, 11 mn 7 s, Salabert
stage Les malheurs d'Orphée opera in three acts for baritone, soprano, solo voice and orchestra, 35 mn, Heugel
Magali popular Provençal song for mixed choir and orchestra, 1 mn 40 s, Le Chant du Monde
stage Maximilien opera in three acts and nine tableaux, for solo voice, mixed choir and orchestra, Universal Edition
Miracles of faith for tenor, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 19 mn 45 s, Schirmer
stage Médée opera in one act, for five voices, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 10 mn, Heugel
Pacem in Terris for contralto, baritone, mixed choir and orchestra, 46 mn, Salabert
Pan et la Syrinx cantata for soprano, baritone and vocal quartet and ensemble, 15 mn, Salabert
stage Saint Louis roi de France opera oratorio in two parts for two sopranos, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Eschig
Service sacré for baritone, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 60 mn, Salabert
Suite de sonnets for vocal quartet and ensemble, 17 mn, Eschig
Tragédie humaine for mixed choir and orchestra, 27 mn 5 s, Salabert
Troisième symphonie (Te Deum) for large orchestra, 31 mn 25 s, Heugel
Wolfgang Mitterer (1958) Biography Documentary resources
elec Turmbau zu Babel for 4,200 singers, percussion and brass orchestra and eight-track tape, 55 mn
Meredith Monk (1942) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Weaves for two solo voices, choir and chamber orchestra, Boosey & Hawkes
Eric Montalbetti (1968) Documentary resources
Cavernes & Soleils concertino for mezzo-soprano & chamber orchestra on three poems by Andrée Chedid, 25 mn about , Editions Allegretto
Ennio Morricone (1928-2020) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Fluidi second version for eight voices and string quartet
elec Gestazione for female voice, piano, harpsichord, pre-recorded electronic sounds / Hammond organ / electric harmonium, tam-tam, viola, double bass and string orchestra ad libitum, Suvini Zerboni
elec Grido for soprano, string orchestra and magnetic tape ad libitum, Suvini Zerboni
Grilli for soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone, reciting voice, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, four saxophones, two horns, trumpet and trombone, Suvini Zerboni
Il nulla divino for voice(s) and orchestra
Il pane spezzato for twelve mixed voices, instruments and strings ad libitum, on the text of the mass, Suvini Zerboni
Jerusalem for baritone and orchestra
Meditazione orale for reciting voice and orchestra
Non devi dimenticare for reciting voice, soprano and orchestra, Suvini Zerboni
Ode for soprano and orchestra
Ode for soprano, reciting male voice and orchestra, Suvini Zerboni
Passagio secondo for reciting voice and orchestra, Suvini Zerboni
Vidi Aquam. Id est Benacum for soprano and small orchestra, Suvini Zerboni