Works / By specific formation
Comment faire une recherche par effectif détaillé sur BRAHMS ?5 works out of 51359
- Anonymous Melodies for flauto traverso, violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord (2021), 20 mn, Wandelweiser / Jürg Frey
- Itinéraires circulaires for flute, violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord (2020-2022), 60 mn / Jürg Frey
- La harpe de David for baroque flute, violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord (2019), 10 mn, Durand / Philippe Hersant
- Madrigal II for four historical instruments (1961), 3 mn, Universal Edition / Henri Pousseur
- Tombeau (…four past a ground…) for recorder, viola da gamba, triple harp and harpsichord (2019), 9 mn / Kevin Juillerat