- General information
Composition date:
2014 - 2015
- Duration: 56 mn
- Publisher: Boosey & Hawkes
Libretto (details, author):
Livret de David Harsent.
Composition date:
2014 - 2015
- Type
- Vocal music and instrument(s) [2 solo voices or more and ensemble of up to 9 instruments]
Detailed formation
- soloists: soprano, tenor
- flute (also piccolo, alto flute), clarinet (also Eb clarinet, bass clarinet), harp, violin, viola, cello
Premiere information
12 June 2015
Location:Royaume-Uni, Snape Maltings
Performers:Elizabeth Atherton, soprano ; Mark Padmore, ténor, London Sinfonietta, Geoffrey Paterson, direction ; Martin Duncan, mise en scène.