Michel Redolfi (1951)
Mata-Pau (1992)
Mara and the bird, multimedia performance for narrator, percussion, synthesizer and digital audio support
electronic work
- General information
Composition date:
- Duration: 1 h 30 mn
Libretto (details, author):
Textes de Ferreira de Castro et Blaise Cendrars.
Composition date:
- Type
- Vocal music and instrument(s) [Solo voice and ensemble of up to 9 instruments]
Detailed formation
- soloist: speaking voice
- percussion, electronic/MIDI keyboard/synthesizer
Premiere information
21 November 1992
Location:France, Metz, Rendez-vous musique nouvelle
Performers:Michael Lonsdale, récitant ; Steve Shehan, percussion.
Information on the electronics
Electronic device: sons fixés sur support