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flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, trumpet, 2 percussions, 2 violins, viola, double bass
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
1.34 Go
6.21 Go
The electronic part, as well as the violin part of Partita2 and B-Partita are very close.
The only difference on the Max patch side is :
For CPU performance reasons, the electronic software is split in four patches running in parallel on the same computer :
T_synful_03, T_spat_17 and T_String_06 are applications (built with max8).
All the required applications and patches can be launch at once by executing the \_P2-2021-run.sh script in a terminal.
Max file preferences should point to :
This diagram shows the audio routing between the applications:
The audio lines from 9 to 16 are used to communicate between the different applications. The inputs should be connected to the outputs of the audio soundboard.
You can do it :
The patches (or applications) communicate via Open Sound Control commands through network (UDP) messages and with audio via loopback or optic fiber link on the audio card.
The IO mappings for each application should be set as shown below
After setting the DSP status, quit every application in order to save the settings.
On the main patch Partita-Deux-+3FC-10-2021, select antescofo in the menu "go to".
(This menu contains shortcuts for easy access to important subpatches)
a window appears:
Check the toggle "Calibrate $1", the waveform must be close to 1:
A simpler solution is provided. The synful and string real time synthesis process being replaced by prerecorded samples. Everything run in on patch : no need for loopback in this version.
To start this version simply open the max project Partita2-2021.maxproj.
In the main patch, choose simulation in the "go to" menu.
This window opens:
There are several different recordings of the solo violin part, as snd/filage160712 or snd/filage170712.
There are also markers on the recordings called "filage 170712" and "filage 160712".
To begin for example at part 2, number 50 in the score, you can choose it in the window below the file name (number 2).
The simulation violin sound is routed to dac7.
Run all the patches (2) and applications (3). (see **Software installation**)
Open the antescofo window located in the main patch with the "go to" menu
You can stop the follower by unchecking "suivi" and follow evenements manually with the space bar.
Faders of the midi mixer (BCF2000) are programmed to control some parameters during the concert:
fader | initial value | ctl | chan |
Master | 127 | 7 | 1 |
Direct | 100 | 7 | 2 |
string1 | 64 | 7 | 3 |
string2 | 64 | 7 | 4 |
3fc | 64 | 7 | 5 |
sampler | 64 | 7 | 6 |
synful | 64 | 7 | 7 |
fx (effects level) | 64 | 7 | 8 |
NB : There is also the possibility to control the internal mix with mira on an ipad instead of the midi mixer.
The violin must be amplified throughout the whole piece except between event I.5 and event I.18 with a crescendo between I.18 and I.19.
The "Direct" fader controls also the level of the infinite reverb, it should be controlled carefully.
The level of the 3f synthesis process should be also carefully controlled with the "direct" fader during the "Perpetuum Mobile" section.
Score following (with antescofo) is automatic in most of this work except :
From: Philippe Manoury <philippe.manoury@gmail.com>
Subject: Problèmes dans Partita II
Date: 4 November 2021 at 17:12:18 CET
To: Serge Lemouton <serge.lemouton@ircam.fr>
Cc: WARNIER Jacques <JWarnier@cnsmdp.fr>
Cher Serge,
Voici les passages qui ne marche pas bien dans Partita II. Je mets Jacques en copie.
Sections II
23 : C'est souvent le cas, lorsqu'il y a des sections très courtes avec les pizz qui doivent piloter la 3F, ça ne marche pas bien. Est-ce qu'on ne peut pas faire qqchose dans ces cas ? Lancer l'evt avant et faire jouer les notes dès que le micro reçoit un signal (quelque soit la note jouée par le violon) ?
39 : Idem
52 : l'évt Synful en triolets (qui deviendra quintolet plus tard) s'arrête avant la fin (peut-être en 64 je ne me rappelle plus) mais il ne va pas à son terme qui doit être 68
Et puis il y a le problème des tempi. Est-ce qu'ils sont fixés en dur maintenant (par exemple en 49, 51, 55, 63) ? Ce n'est pas le but du jeu. Sinon on fera carrément de la musique sur bande.
Sections V : Le premier evt ne marche pratiquement jamais. Il doit y avoir de la 3F or elle ne commence presque toujours que dans la deuxième figure.
Les pizz ne déclenchent pas toujours un changement de spatialisation de la corde virtuelle. Très souvent ils ne font rien. Je pense qu'il faut abandonner la détection de hauteur mais de faire un azimut variable dès qu'il y a un pizz (quelque soit la note), par emple celui très important à la fin (en 22)
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