Audio setup
Loudspeaker setup
Audio equipment for the playback of four audio tracks surrounding the audience (cf. Audio setup)
Midi setup
No MIDI devices
Software installation
Max software version higher than 6.0 is required.
1. Mount image Bhakti-2013.dmg
2. Open folder 'Bhakti-2013'
System calibration and tests
In Max, tests for quadriphonic setup may be done using patcher '2MaxTest/test-quadriphonic.maxpat'
Initialization routine
1. In Max, add the folder Bhakti-2013 in Max search paths (Menu 'Options/File preferences...' ;
2. Set sampling rate to 48000 Hz in Menu 'Options/Audio status...' ;
3. Launch file '1MainMaxPatch/03-Bhakti-2013.maxpat' ;
4. In the main patcher window 03-Bhakti-2013, follow steps 0 to 3 (step 0 is optional : see Performance notes bellow).
Patch presentation
For rehearsing, some long sound files are splitted into separate cues which are automatically triggered (by default). These separate cues can be played separately using the menu 'Current file'.
This feature may be changed within the file '1MainMaxPatch/Bhakti_lib/config-original' ; to edit it, clic on buttons 'choose a config file' and 'read & edit the current config file' in main patcher window (Step 0), according to informations provided in file Readme.pdf.