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flute, alto flute, bass clarinet, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
All the soundfiles required to play the piece are here !
336.93 Mo
1.55 Mo
Complete AbletonLive "Maquette Session" used to generate the electronic part. Not required for performance.
2.42 Go
First run-through recording of the instrumental part. Not required for performance.
171.31 Mo
240.95 Mo
The instruments and the voice should be slightly reverberated and amplified. No real time sound transformations.
Send the audio outputs 1/2 from Ableton Live (audio track Mix1-B to Mix3-B) to the front loudspeakers.
Stereo 3/4 (Mix1 to Mix3) is for the loudspeakers at the back of the stage.
Output 5 (Track Mix4) is sent to the central back loudspeaker.
Open thewaveslight session with Ableton Live (version 9 or above).
Set the sampling rate to 48kHz.
To play the electronic part (the audio clips) synchronously with the instrumental part, the scenes should be manually and precisely triggered, according to the score.
Every cue numbers corresponds to the score bar number.
[An optional ipad control is possible with the mira application, see the midiControl track of the live session]
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