This piece uses two different patches (on the same computer) :
- one for polyrythm machine (called PRTM),
- and another patch for electronic treatments. This second patch is the master patch, and control the other via local OSC.
Audio is sent and received via soundcard loopback or via your loopback solution of choice from one patch to another.
Audio from microphones is sent to computers through the mixing desk. A midi keyboard on stage is used to trigger events. Master and Spare computers receive the same inputs
Software Installation
Download and install Max 8.X.X
Download, open and copy the content of the Concert Patch archive (Tutti_Patchs-2023.dmg)
Two different instances of Max 8.X.X launched
N.B. : rosetta mode is required
Put the whole folder in your max file preferences. Be sure to remove any other antescofo object from your path.
All the necessary packages and external are provided, but are intel based
- The PTRM is **AntePolyRyt.maxproj**
- The Master and mixing Patch is **Tutti-Master-1e.maxpat**
General Setup
Loudspeaker setup
Back speakers are elevated to avoid to disturb orchestra, they can be directed toward the walls.
- 1 : stage front, left
- 2 : stage front, right
- 3 : audience right
- 4 : audience back, right
- 5 : audience back, left
- 6 : audience left
- 7 : stage back, left
- 8 : stage back, right
The details of the loudspeaker setup are in the technical rider.
Stage setup
![stage_setup](/media/editor/Capture d’écran 2024-04-15 à 18.35.28_20240418015556638428.png "stage_setup")
Max Audio Setup
Audio is sent between patches through loopback. Use hardware loopback with your soundcard or a software solution like an aggregate device with blackhole (
DSP status for both patches
- SR : 44,1 kHz
- IO 512
- VS 512
- Overdrive ON
- Audio Interrupt OFF
Master Patch
- 4 audio input through loopback : adc 5 to 8 from AntePolyRyt.maxproj
- 8 audio input : adc 15 to 22
15 : Orchestra Left
16 : Orchestra Right
17 : Piano
18 : Violin 1
19 : Violin 2
20 : Viola
21 : Cello
22 : Double bass
- 8 audio output : dac 15 to 22. To speakers
- 2 audio output : dac 23 to 24. To orchestra and piano
- 2 audio output through loopback : dac 3 to 4. To AntePolyRyt.maxproj
PTRM Patch
- 2 audio input through loopback : adc 3 to 4. from Tutti-Master-1e.maxpat
- 4 audio output through loopback : dac 5 to 8. to Tutti-Master-1e.maxpat
Initialization routine
- Open patch in one Max8 instance /AntPolyRyt-Score/AntePolytRyt/AntePolytRyt.maxproj
- Click "ALL.INIT bang" button
- start DSP
- Open patch in a second Max8 instance /Tutti-Main/PATCH_TUTTI_2016_MAX7/Tutti-MASTER-1e.maxpat
- Check in "p BUFFERS" that media are loaded
- if not load them (located in Tutti-Main/SOUND)
- click RESET button
- start DSP
- click RESET button again
- Load score to follow : Tutti.asco
- configure midi keyboard reception and activate midi reception (blinking button in (6) )
At this point, the patch is ready and is waiting the first midi keyboard note to start. the main patch control the PTRM via local OSC
Mix and control is achieved via Mira web or LEMUR on Ipad. open and edit patcher "p MIDI/OSC". Interface for Lemur software is in /Tutti-Main/PATCH_TUTTI_2016_MAX7/LEMUR/lemur1e.jzml
If Keyboard shortcuts are on :
- Right arrow for next event
- Left arrow for previous event
###Patch Presentation
Main Patch :
Grey "slider boxes" are monitors for each effect. Click on the effect name to open effect interface. Name becomes green when effect is active. Vertical fader is a post fader, controlled by Lemur interface. M is the dB value of this post fader. O is the effect ouput dB, -127 means the treatment is off.
![Main_Patch](/media/editor/Capture d’écran 2024-04-15 à 16.11.34_20240418015900487679.png "Main_Patch")
Effects are :
- 1Ryt > Virtual instance to communicate with PRTM
- 1spat > Ircam Spatialisateur
- 1bus...2bus > Virtual Bus
- 1Biq > Biquad filter
- 1revg > Reverb
- 1cas...6cas > Cascade FIlters
- 1cho > Chorus effect
- 1Chr> Spectral Delay with Chromax® algorithm
- 1comp > compressor
- 1FKo...2FKo > spectral spread effect
- 1Fsh...2Fsh > Frequency Shifting
- 1Giz > Gizmo transposition
- 1gran > Granulator
- 1Hrm > Harmonizer
- 1iana...3iana > Iana analysis and resynthesis
- 1ans...6ians > sinusoidal synthesis working with 1/2/3iana
- 1Mng > Granulation (Munger®)
- 1psy...4psy > Psychoirtrist®
- 1samp...4samp > sampler
- 1str...2str > Stretch with SuperVP®
- 1Yis > Yin analysis to sinusoidal synthesis
MiraWeb :
A Mira web interface is displayed for control and mixing on the right of the main patch.
![Mira_web](/media/editor/Capture d’écran 2024-04-15 à 16.14.24_20240418015954189193.png "Mira_web")
PTRM Patch :
![PTRM](/media/editor/Capture d’écran 2024-04-15 à 16.16.46_20240418020032869827.png "PTRM")
Controled by the main patch and Antescofo
Antescofo :
Antescofo is used to manage and recall effects preset, like an electronic score. Open _/Tutti-Main/PATCH_TUTTI_2016_MAX7/ANTESCOFO/_Tutti.asco.txt in a text editor to see or modify the score. All events are triggered by MIDI keyboard.
To start directly to an event, click RESET, and select the event you want to jump to. Antescofo will wait a "next_event" or the corresponding note from MIDI keyboard to launch the wanted event.
(FYI, "Jump to" launch all events from the beginning of the score to the previous event you choose.)
Click button "repeat" to repeat the same event.
Click button "next_label" to go to the next event (or to trigger event choosen with umenu "Go to Cues"
Click red button "RESET" to inialize all the patch.
You will found some notes written in /notes.txt
A multitrack recording of a rehearsal with midi trigger is at your disposal in an Ableton Live Session
![tutti_simul](/media/editor/Capture d’écran 2024-04-18 à 01.32.03_20240418015431712462.png "tutti_simul")