Works / By title
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3615 works beginning with c
Benjamin Dupé (1976) Biography Documentary resources
- elec stage Comme je l’entends music and sound theater for guitars, vocals and electronics, 60 mn [program note]
- elec Curieux de nature in situ creation for a piece of high alpine territory
Joël-François Durand (1954) Biography
- Cinq Duos for violin and viola, 12 mn, Durand
- Concerto for piano and orchestra, 21 mn, Durand
Frédéric Durieux (1959) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Cristal & Corps for 7 mixed voices and chamber orchestra, 13 mn, Jobert
Pascal Dusapin (1955) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Canto for soprano, clarinet and cello, 7 mn, Salabert
- Cascando for eight instrumentalists, 10 mn, Salabert
- Celo for cello and orchestra, 20 mn, Salabert
- Clam solo n° 4 for orchestra, 12 mn, Salabert
- Coda for thirteen instrumentalists, 12 mn, Salabert [program note]
- Comoedia for soprano and six instrumentalists, 10 mn, Salabert
Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Chanson au bord de la mer for voice and piano, Inédit
- Chanson de la déportée for voice and piano, Alphonse Leduc
- Chansons de bord harmonizations for three-part children's choir, 14 mn, Billaudot
- Choral, Cadence et Fugato for trombone and piano, 5 mn, Alphonse Leduc
- Clair de lune de Claude Debussy transcription for two pianos
- Correspondances for soprano and orchestra, 22 mn, Schott
Jason Eckardt (1971) Biography Documentary resources
- Cuts for solo piano, 4 mn, Majolika [program note]
Aurélio Edler-Copes (1976) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Cantiga for accordion and tape, 10 mn
- elec Cinq pièces pour zarb et voix for zarb and voice (by the same musician), 14 mn
- elec Comme deux miroirs qui se reflètent l'un l'autre for guitar, loudspeaker, transducer and tape, 3 mn
- Como el aire for seven musicians, 10 mn
- elec Contra los muros for amplified ensemble, effects pedals, sampler and live electronics, 40 mn
Einar Torfi Einarsson (1980) Biography Documentary resources
- Conditions for ensemble, 8 mn, Albersen Verhuur
- Conditions – posttensions for bass clarinet and accordion, 7 mn, Albersen Verhuur
- Conditions – posttensions II for bass clarinet, accordion and double-bell trumpet, 7 mn, Albersen Verhuur
- Conditions – posttensions extension for bass clarinet, accordion, soprano, cello and percussion, 20 mn, Albersen Verhuur
- Constellations for ensemble
Aaron Einbond (1978) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Cartographies for piano with two performers and live electronics, 16 mn, Edition Gravis
- elec Central Park version for solo trombone and electronics
- elec Central Park version for baritone, bass clarinet, trumpet, trombone, and electronics, 13 mn
- elec Cosmologies for piano and three-dimensional electronics, 16 mn
- elec Cosmologies II interactive sound installation
- elec Cosmologies III for fixed three-dimensional electronics
Halim El-Dabh (1921-2017) Biography Documentary resources
- Ceremonial Fattening for Death and Resurrection for bassoon ensemble
- Cleo's Suite for orchestra
- Cleopatra for orchestra, 25 mn, Peters
- stage Clytemnestra for two solo voices and orchestra, 1 h 50 mn, Peters
- Coma Dance for piano
- Concerto. Derabucca for clarinet and string orchestra
- Conversations with Shu for wind ensemble
Sivan Eldar (1985) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Compositions for Leaves installation
- Crumb Child concerto for bass clarinet, 10 mn
Anders Eliasson (1947)
- Concerto pour basson et cordes, 19 mn, pas d'éditeur [program note]
Javier Elipe Gimeno (1980) Biography Documentary resources
- Ciudades Imaginarias concerto for marimba, piano and orchestra, 10 mn
- elec Constellations, a history of Walter Benjamin electroacoustic piece, 15 mn
Peter Eötvös (1944-2024) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Cap-ko concerto for acoustic piano, keyboard and orchestra, 20 mn, Schott
- Cello Concerto Grosso for cello and orchestra, 27 mn, Schott
- elec Chinese Opera for ensemble, 27 mn, Salabert
- elec Cricketmusic nature sounds organized on tape, 5 mn