Works / By title
1280 works beginning with v
Gualtiero Dazzi (1960) Biography Documentary resources
stage Voix et espace scenographed concert for six solo singers, 1 h 20 mn, Grame
Jean-François Estager (1949)
Luca Francesconi (1956) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Venti Radio-Lied three cycles of radio short films on poetic texts by Umberto Fiori, 1 h 40 mn
Vertical Invader concerto grosso for wind quinet and orchestra, 25 mn, Ricordi
Vertigo for violin and string orchestra, 13 mn, Ricordi
elec Voci for soprano, amplified violin and electronics, 8 mn, Ricordi
Jürg Frey (1953) Biography Documentary resources
Vielleicht bin ich wirklich verloren for soprano and six instruments, 6 mn 30 s, Wandelweiser
elec Vier Räume for electronics, 20 mn, Wandelweiser
Viola, Klavier for viola and piano, 7 mn 30 s, Wandelweiser
Violine, Klavier for violin and piano, 11 mn, Wandelweiser
Violoncello und Schlagzeug for cello and percussion, 6 mn, Wandelweiser
Nicolas Frize (1950) Biography Documentary resources
elec Voix-ci, voix-là individual and recorded vocal work carried out with a hundred children from 3 to 5 years old, resulting in a creation on tape
Reinhard Fuchs (1974) Biography Documentary resources
Arturo Fuentes (1975) Biography Documentary resources
Dai Fujikura (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Ash Fure (1982) Biography Documentary resources
elec Veer multimedia installation
Beat Furrer (1954) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Clemens Gadenstätter (1966) Biography Documentary resources
Bernhard Gander (1969) Biography Documentary resources
Serge Garant (1929-1986) Biography
Fernando Garnero (1976) Biography Documentary resources
elec V15 17-channel installation for 1600 piezos and two subwoofers
Allain Gaussin (1943) Biography Documentary resources
elec Vent solaire for soprano, narrator, mixed choir, instrumental ensemble and electronic sounds, 27 mn, Inédit
elec Vent solaire II for soprano, reciter, tam-tam and magnetic tape, 12 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Sébastien Gaxie (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Zeynep Gedizlioğlu (1977) Biography Documentary resources
Marta Gentilucci (1973) Biography Documentary resources
Stefano Gervasoni (1962) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Daniele Ghisi (1984) Biography Documentary resources
Verso Snàm-dà-én for oboe, cello and double bass, 14 mn, Inédit
elec Visioni for 23 speakers, between 25 mn and 48 mn
Núria Giménez-Comas (1980) Biography Documentary resources
Alberto Evaristo Ginastera (1916-1983) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Philip Glass (1937) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Vinko Globokar (1934) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Bára Gísladóttir (1989) Biography Documentary resources
VAPE for orchestra, 12 mn, Edition·S
VÍDDIR for nine flutes, three percussionists, bass guitar and double bass, 60 mn, Edition·S
Vöxtur: I. Rætur, II. Bolur, III. Brum, IV. Króna for violin and marimba, 8 mn
elec VĒXŌ for double bass and electronics, 1 mn 43 s