Works / By type
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- Solo (excluding voice)
Chamber music
Sextet and larger ensembles
- Other sextets and larger ensembles with diverse instrumentation
- Winds, keyboard, percussion, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds, keyboard, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and keyboard - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and percussion - 6 or more musicians
- Strings, 6 or more musicians, with or without keyboard
- Percussion and/or keyboard, 6 or more musicians
- Winds, 6 or more musicians
- Unspecified instruments, 6 or more musicians
- Quintet
- Quartet
- Trio
- Duo
Sextet and larger ensembles
Instrumental ensemble music
- Orchestral music
Instrumental ensemble, one to a part
- Non-standard mixed instrumental ensemble
- Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
- Instrumental ensemble of the same family
- Unspecified or undetermined instrumental ensemble
Concertant music
- 4 or more soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 3 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 2 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- Other solo instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Bowed strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Plucked strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Keyboard and ensemble/orchestra
- Percussion and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo brass instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo woodwind instrument and ensemble/orchestra
Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s), solo instrument(s) and ensemble/orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and plucked strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and keyboard
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and percussion
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and wind instrument
- A cappella vocal music
Instrumental ensemble, one to a part
Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
- Mixed instrumental ensemble of more than 25 instruments
Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
214 works for Mixed instrumental ensemble of more than 25 instruments
Luc Ferrari (1929-2005) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- En un tournement d'amour for an orchestra of 49 musicians, 30 mn, Salabert [program note]
- Histoire du plaisir et de la désolation for symphony orchestra, 35 mn, Salabert [program note]
Francesco Filidei (1973) Biography Documentary resources
- Capriccio italiano for double orchestra, 20 mn, Rai Trade
- Macchina per scoppiare i pagliacci for thirty-three instruments, 11 mn, Rai Trade
Mary Finsterer (1962) Biography
- elec ircam Sand for ensemble, electronics and video, 20 mn, Inédit
Graciane Finzi (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Trames for twenty-six instruments, 16 mn, Radio-France
Luca Francesconi (1956) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Lontananza e ora, qui for ensemble in eight groups, 18 mn, Ricordi
Beat Furrer (1954) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- strane costellazioni for large orchestra, 14 mn about , Bärenreiter
Marc Garcia Vitoria (1985) Biography Documentary resources
- Capsa for orchestra, 12 mn
Evan Gardner (1978) Biography Documentary resources
- Erstarrung for ensemble, 15 mn, Inédit [program note]
Rune Glerup (1981) Biography Documentary resources
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Examples of Dust for ensemble and electronics, 17 mn, Edition·S [program note]
- Vinko Globokar (1934) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Heiner Goebbels (1952) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Industry and Idleness Popular Print for ensemble, 16 mn, Ricordi
- elec stage Industry and Idleness scenic concert for ensemble, 16 mn, Ricordi
Sofia Goubaïdoulina (1931) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Pro et contra for large orchestra, 42 mn, Schirmer
- Stimmen ... Verstummen ... symphony in twelve movements for orchestra, 42 mn, Sikorski
- Te Salutant capriccio for orchestra, 5 mn, Sikorski
- The Light Of The End for large orchestra, 25 mn, Schirmer
Gérard Grisey (1946-1998) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Modulations for thirty-three musicians, 17 mn, Ricordi [program note]
Bára Gísladóttir (1989) Biography Documentary resources
- elec amoeba proteus but make it metal for ensemble and electronics, 21 mn, Edition·S [program note]
Sampo Haapamäki (1979) Biography Documentary resources
- Motto for symphony orchestra of 79 musicians, 28 mn
Georg Friedrich Haas (1953) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- "... e finisci già ?" for orchestra, 9 mn, Universal Edition
- ... damit ... die Geister der Menschen erhellt und ihr Verstand erleuchtet werden ... for ensemble, Universal Edition
- Dark dreams for orchestra, 23 mn, Universal Edition
- Tetraedrite for orchestra, 14 mn, Universal Edition
Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Antifone for 11 solo strings, wind instruments and percussion, 17 mn, Schott
- Apollo trionfante from Tanzdrama Orpheus, for wind instruments, percussions, keyboards and double basses, 15 mn, Schott
- Hochzeitsmusik from the ballet Undine, for wind orchestra, 10 mn, Schott
- stage Tancredi ballet in two tableaux, 50 mn, Schott
- Tancredi suite for large ensemble, 17 mn, Schott
- stage Undine Ballet in three acts, 1 h 50 mn, Schott
Arnulf Herrmann (1968) Biography Documentary resources
- durchbrochene Arbeit for orchestra, 14 mn, Peters
Anders Hillborg (1954) Biography Documentary resources
- Skysong for ensemble, 22 mn, Faber Music
Heinz Holliger (1939) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Ostinato funebre for ensemble, 8 mn, Schott
David Hudry (1978) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- The Forgotten City, 23 mn, Éditions musicales Artchipel
York Höller (1944) Biography Documentary resources
- elec ircam Résonance for ensemble and tape, 20 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel [program note]
Márton Illés (1975) Biography Documentary resources
- Ez-Tér for large orchestra, 18 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
- Tört-Szín-Tér for large orchestra, 15 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Pierre-Alain Jaffrennou (1939) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Chronorythmie for two instrumental ensembles and electronic device, 20 mn, Grame
André Jolivet (1905-1974) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- L'Infante et le Monstre choreographic divertissement for orchestra, 15 mn about
Mauricio Kagel (1931-2008) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Hétérophonie for orchestra of 42 soloists, 18 mn, Peters
Petar-Kresimir Klanac (1971) Biography Documentary resources
- Gloria, laus et honor for ensemble, 10 mn, Tabula compositoria
Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Six Profiles for ensemble, 12 mn, Bärenreiter
Hanspeter Kyburz (1960) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Diptychon for two instrumental ensembles, 20 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel [program note]
Helmut Lachenmann (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Concertini for large ensemble, 43 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
- stage Dora musical theatre, 1 h 20 mn, Ricordi
- Ramon Lazkano (1968) Biography Documentary resources
Jacques Lenot (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Dolcezze ignote all'estasi (IV) Allégories d'exil IV, for 26 musicians, 17 mn, Salabert