Works / By type
- Unspecified instrumentation
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- Solo (excluding voice)
Chamber music
Sextet and larger ensembles
- Other sextets and larger ensembles with diverse instrumentation
- Winds, keyboard, percussion, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds, keyboard, and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and strings - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and keyboard - 6 or more musicians
- Winds and percussion - 6 or more musicians
- Strings, 6 or more musicians, with or without keyboard
- Percussion and/or keyboard, 6 or more musicians
- Winds, 6 or more musicians
- Unspecified instruments, 6 or more musicians
- Quintet
- Quartet
- Trio
- Duo
Sextet and larger ensembles
Instrumental ensemble music
- Orchestral music
Instrumental ensemble, one to a part
- Non-standard mixed instrumental ensemble
- Mixed instrumental ensemble with instruments from all families
- Instrumental ensemble of the same family
- Unspecified or undetermined instrumental ensemble
Concertant music
- 4 or more soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 3 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- 2 soloists and ensemble/orchestra
- Other solo instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Bowed strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Plucked strings and ensemble/orchestra
- Keyboard and ensemble/orchestra
- Percussion and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo brass instrument and ensemble/orchestra
- Solo woodwind instrument and ensemble/orchestra
Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s), solo instrument(s) and ensemble/orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and plucked strings
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and keyboard
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and percussion
- Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and wind instrument
- A cappella vocal music
Solo instrument
- Keyboard or other polyphonic solo instrument dont:
4822 works for Keyboard or other polyphonic solo instrument
Veli-Matti Puumala (1965) Biography Documentary resources
- Fuga interrotta for solo piano, 2 mn 30 s, Inédit
- Hailin' Drams for guitar, 15 mn, Inédit
- Hommages Fugitifs for solo piano, 12 mn 30 s, Fennica Gehrman [program note]
- Lullaby for solo piano, 3 mn, Inédit
- Sonatine for solo piano, 15 mn, Inédit
Éliane Radigue (1932) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Geelriandre music for sounds fixed on support (ARP 2500 synthesizer on magnetic tape) and solo music (prepared piano, played by Gérard Frémy), 25 mn
- Occam I for harp
- elec Occam VI for EMS synthesizer
- Occam XIV for harp
- elec Occam XX for EMS synthesizer
- Occam XXV for organ, 40 mn about
- elec Schlinen music for sounds fixed on a medium (ARP 2500 synthesizer on magnetic tape) and solo music (Ondes Martenot), 12 mn
Paul Ramage (1986)
- elec ircam Ircam cursus Fragments d'une fin for CP-80 piano and electronics, 10 mn [program note]
Maja S. K. Ratkje (1973) Biography Documentary resources
- Moods IV for harp, 7 mn
- Passing Images accordion waltz, 13 mn
- Preludium for a wedding ceremony for church organ, 3 mn
- Rag-sonata for piano, 4 mn
- Two small pieces for Arnold S. for piano, 1 mn 40 s
Jacques Rebotier (1950) Biography Documentary resources
- stage L'Oreille Droite show, for pianist
- Trois tremblements for accordion
Roger Redgate (1958) Biography
- Beuys for solo piano, 4 mn, Lemoine
- Eidos for solo piano, 60 s, Lemoine
- Genoi Hoios Essi for solo piano, 6 mn, Lemoine
- Pas au-delä for solo piano, 10 mn, Lemoine
Michel Redolfi (1951) Biography Documentary resources
- elec Dans le rêve des baleines underwater music for subclavier, underwater devices and narrator, 1 h 5 mn
Steve Reich (1936) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Electric Counterpoint for electric guitar and magnetic tape, 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note]
- elec Electric Guitar Phase for electric guitar and magnetic tape, Boosey & Hawkes
Eva Reiter (1976) Biography Documentary resources
- elec kein Anschluss for Dan Bao, Copicat, and tape
Justina Repečkaitė (1989) Biography Documentary resources
- Redemption for accordion
- Stalactite for piano solo, 6 mn
- elec Sturnus vulgaris cohibitus for piano and speakers inside the piano, 10 mn
- elec The Absolution of Sins for accordion and electronics
- Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis (1987) Biography Documentary resources
Roger Reynolds (1934) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- elec Dream Mirror for guitar and electronics, Peters
- Epigram and Evolution for piano, 9 mn, Peters
- Fantasy for Pianist for piano, 19 mn, Peters
- OPPOrTuniTy for piano, 6 mn, Peters
- Piano Etudes, Book I for piano
- The Behavior of Mirrors for guitar, 7 mn, Peters
- Variation for piano, 22 mn, Peters
- imAge/piano for piano, 4 mn, Peters
- imagE/piano for piano, 2 mn, Peters
Wolfgang Rihm (1952-2024) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
- Brahmsliebewalzer for piano, 5 mn, Universal Edition
- Klavierstück Nr. 1 for piano, 13 mn, Universal Edition
- Klavierstück Nr. 4 for piano, 13 mn, Universal Edition
- Klavierstück Nr. 5 Tombeau for piano, 13 mn, Universal Edition
- Klavierstück Nr. 6 Bagatelles for piano, 15 mn, Universal Edition
- Vier Elegien for piano, Inédit