Works / By type
2953 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and solo instrument
Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
2 Sacred songs for voice and piano, 12 mn, Bärenreiter
3 Gesänge for baritone and piano, 10 mn, Universal Edition
3 Lieder for soprano and piano, 8 mn, Bärenreiter
4 Gesänge for mezzo-soprano and piano, 15 mn, Universal Edition
4 Songs for tenor and piano, 15 mn, Bärenreiter
5 Lieder for voice and piano, 9 mn, Universal Edition
Aegrotavit Ezechias motet for female choir and piano, 8 mn, Mobart Music Publications
Albumblatt for voice and piano, Inédit
stage Bluff operetta in three acts, partition retirée du catalogue
Choruses for mixed choir and organ or piano, Belwin-Warner
Das Schweigen for bass voice and piano, Inédit
Die Nachtigall for coloratura soprano and piano, 8 mn, Universal Edition
Durch die Nacht for voice and piano, 18 mn, Universal Edition
Fiedellieder for medium voice and piano, 10 mn, Universal Edition
Gesänge des späten Jahres Lieder cycle for voice and piano, 40 mn, Universal Edition
Italienische Ballade for voice and piano, Inédit
Kantate von der Vergänglichkeit des Irdischen for solo soprano, mixed choir and piano, 20 mn, Universal Edition
Missa Duodecim Tonorum for choir and organ, 20 mn, Inédit
Monolog der Stella concert aria for soprano and piano, 10 mn, Universal Edition
O Lacrymosa three songs for voice and piano, 10 mn, Universal Edition
Reisebuch aus den österreichischen Alpen Lieder cycle for voice and piano, 60 mn, Universal Edition
Remember now motet for female choir and piano, 5 mn, Mobart Music Publications
Spätlese Lieder cycle in six parts for baritone and piano, 30 mn, Bärenreiter
The Ballad of the Railroads Lieder cycle for voice and piano, 19 mn, Bärenreiter
The Flea for tenor or soprano and piano, 3 mn, Inédit
The night is far spent for voice and piano, Inédit
Two silent Watchers for voice and piano, Inédit
Wechsellied zum Tanz Der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit, n°4, for soprano and piano, 3 mn, Universal Edition
Wechselrahmen six Lieder for voice and piano, 13 mn, Bärenreiter
stage What price confidence ? chamber opera with piano, 38 mn, Bärenreiter
Während der Trennung for mezzo-soprano, baritone and piano, Inédit
György Kurtág (1926) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Bornemisza Péter mondásai concerto for soprano and piano with texts by Péter Bornemisza, 40 mn, Universal Edition
Einige Sätze aus den Sudelbüchern Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs revised version for soprano and double bass, Editio Musica
Esterházy Péter: Fancsikó és Pinta (Töredékek) - Bevezetés a Szépéneklés Müvészetébe I for solo voice and piano and celesta (one instrumentalist), Editio Musica
Eszká-emlékzaj seven songs to poems by Dezsö Tandori, for soprano and violin, 8 mn, Editio Musica
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Herdecker Eurythmie ... to poems by Ellen Lösch, for narrator and tenor vielle, Editio Musica
Három dal Pilinszky János verseire for bass (or baritone-bass) and piano, 6 mn, Universal Edition
Három régi felirat for soprano and piano, 7 mn, Editio Musica
Hét dal for soprano and cymbalum (or piano), 10 mn, Editio Musica
Hölderlin : An... for tenor and piano, 2 mn, Editio Musica
Kafka-Fragmente for soprano and violin, 56 mn, Editio Musica
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Requiem po drugu for soprano and piano, 10 mn, Editio Musica
Samuel Beckett : mi is a szó Siklós István tolmácsolásában Beckett Sámuel üzeni Monyók Ildikóval [with István Siklós for performer, a message from Samuel Beckett by Ildikó Monyók], for voice and upright piano, 14 mn, Editio Musica
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Tánc dal for children's choir and piano, based on a text by Sandor Weöres, Inédit
Bronius Kutavicius (1932)
Lamb-Tracks Cycle on poems by One Baliukonyte, Vytautas Rudokas, Sigitas Geda, 10 mn, pas d'éditeur
Silent City on a poem by Richard Dehmel, 3 mn, Inédit
Hanspeter Kyburz (1960) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Abendlied for tenor and piano, 5 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Helmut Lachenmann (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Consolation I for choir and percussion, 10 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
GOT LOST Sarah’s Song, for soprano and piano, 8 mn 40 s, Breitkopf & Härtel
Klaus Lang (1971) Biography Documentary resources