Works / By type
3989 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Salvatore Sciarrino (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
A respirar ritorno (da Luci mie traditrici, Sc. II) version for spoken voice, soprano, baritone and ensemble, 6 mn, Ricordi
Al sognatore di cupole for choir and instruments, RAI.COM
stage La porta della legge - quasi un monologo circolare one act opera, 1 h 15 mn, Rai Trade
elec stage Lohengrin action invisible, for soloists, instruments and voices, 45 mn about , Ricordi
stage Macbeth tre atti senza nome, 1 h 45 mn, Ricordi
stage Superflumina one act opera, 1 h 30 mn, Rai Trade
Claudia Jane Scroccaro (1984) Biography Documentary resources
elec Gradual Abruptness for soprano, contrabass flute, prepared piano and double bass (amplified), 13 mn
Carlo Florindo Semini (1914) Biography
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Deux Chants for vocals, guitar and piano, Breitkopf & Härtel
Skogrået melodrama for narrator, strings and piano
Samuel Sighicelli (1972) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Chant d'hiver for mezzo-soprano, double bass, prepared piano, actor, tape and live electronics, 60 mn
elec Seconde Nature Hörspiel under headphones, for two actors, three musicians and electronics, 1 h 5 mn
elec stage The need for cosmos musical, sound, visual and theatrical show, 1 h 15 mn
Elżbieta Sikora (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Cinéma, cinéma for children's choir and chamber orchestra, 12 mn
elec stage Derrière son double for solo voices, ensemble and electronic sounds, 27 mn
L'Arrache-Cœur for solo voices, choir and ensemble, 1 h 20 mn
La Création du Monde for ensemble of solo voices, choir and ensemble, 35 mn
Le Chant de Salomon for soprano and ensemble, 18 mn
Le Sixième commandement. Tu ne tueras pas for four female voices, flute, cello and percussion, 35 mn, PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)
Les Chants Rejouissant le Cœur for soprano and five instruments, 12 mn
Loreley for soprano and ten instruments, 17 mn
Maître Renard et Maître Corbeau - Le Laboureur et ses Enfants for children's choir and piano (or ensemble), 3 mn
Nocturne for soprano, flute and harpsichord, 12 mn
elec À peine le temps que dure une vision for soprano, ensemble and tape (or for narrator and tape), 21 mn
Jean-Marc Singier (1954) Biography Documentary resources
Alvin Singleton (1940) Documentary resources
Bernsteinlied for soprano, flute and piano, 4 mn, Schott
Between Sisters for soprano, alto flute, vibraphone and piano, 10 mn, Schott
Messa for soprano solo, chamber chorus, flute, electric organ, two guitars, cello and double bass, 26 mn, Schott
Prayer for tenor, chamber choir, organ, harp, trumper and cello, 21 mn, Schott
Say you have this Ball of Meaning for baritone and ensemble, 15 mn, Schott
Search for soprano, flute and vibraphone, 2 mn, Schott
Sing to the Sun for children's choir, narrator, oboe, clarinet, percussion, piano and viola, 16 mn, Schott
Claire-Mélanie Sinnhuber (1973) Biography Documentary resources
Au jardin d'amour for soprano and ensemble, 5 mn 40 s
Che nube for soprano, cello and trombone, 4 mn
Cinq jours de Paul Klee for soprano, harp and viola, 11 mn, Jobert
Je ne for soprano, flute, clarinet and cello, 5 mn 30 s
Mitsou for vocal quartet and seven instruments, 60 mn
Sagesses et malices for baritone, children's choir and four musicians, 13 mn
Un soir de septembre for soprano, flute, viola and harp, 11 mn
Benoît Sitzia (1990) Biography Documentary resources
Gabriella Smith (1991) Biography Documentary resources
I Fall work written with CARM project, 4 mn 39 s
Requiem for eight singers and string quartet, 24 mn
Martin Smolka (1959) Biography Documentary resources
LiPoLied song for soprano, piano and viola, 12 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel
Nina Šenk (1982) Biography Documentary resources