Works / By type
3989 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble
Johannes Maria Staud (1974) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage Berenice opera, 1 h 25 mn, Universal Edition
elec Berenice – Lied vom Verschwinden for soprano, small ensemble and tape, 12 mn, Universal Edition
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Caldera (für Tony Cragg) for soprano, clarinet and piano, 7 mn, Universal Edition
stage Die Antilope opera in six tableaux, 1 h 15 mn, Universal Edition
Infin che’l mar fu sovra noi richiuso for choir, three trombones, percussion and string quartet, 7 mn 15 s, Universal Edition
elec ircam Le voyage monodrama for an actor, six solo voices, four instrumentalists and electronics, 27 mn, Universal Edition
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stage Specter of the Gardenia oder Der Tag wird kommen for actor and large ensemble, 60 mn, Universal Edition
Simon Steen-Andersen (1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Buenos Aires five-part chamber opera for five singers and four musicians, 1 h 25 mn, Inédit
stage “if this then that and now what” for four actors, two trombones, four percussions and twelve strings, 1 h 45 mn, Edition·S
Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec Antrag for soprano, bass, flute, basset horn and electronics, 12 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Argument for tenor, bass, electric organ or synthesizer and trumpet, trombone and percussion ad libitum, 11 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Das Grosse Geweine for three sopranos, bass, choir (live or on tape), modern orchestra and electronics, 10 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Dienstags - Gruss Wilkommen mit Friedens - Gruss, for soprano, nine trumpets, nine trombones, two synthesizers, choir, conductor and assistant conductor, 21 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Evas Erstgeburt for three sopranos, three tenors, bass, actor, choir (live or on tape), twenty-one actresses, children's choir, modern orchestra (three synthesizers, percussion, tape) and electronics / sound projection, 1 h 33 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Evas Zweitgeburt for seven children's voices, four basset horns (including three female instrumentalists, including a vocal basset horn), piano, choir (live or on tape), twenty-one actresses, girls' choir , modern orchestra, 1 h 6 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Examen for tenor, trumpet, dancer, piano, basset horn and "jury" ad libitum : soprano, bass, two mime dancers and two tapes, 22 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Fall for soprano, baritone, flute, basset horn and sound projection, 18 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec In Hoffnung mit Heinzelmännchen, for three sopranos, choir (live or on tape), twenty-one actresses, modern and electronic orchestra, 27 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Jahreslauf vom Dienstag for tenor, bass, four dancers-mimes, an actor-singer, three mimes, beautiful woman, modern orchestra of fourteen instruments, tape and sound projectionist, 1 h 60 s, Stockhausen Verlag
Kindheit for tenor, soprano, bass, trumpet, basset horn, trombone, dancer and magnetic tapes, 29 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Knabengeschrei for three sopranos, bass, actor, choir (live or on tape), children's choir, modern and electronic orchestra, 22 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Licht-Bilder for tenor, flute, trumpet, synthesizer and electronics, 45 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Luzifers - Abschied for male choir, organ and seven trombones (live or on tape), 58 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Michaelion (Presidency - Lucicamel - Operator) for bass, choir, two dancers, ensemble and electronics, 53 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Momente for solo soprano, four choirs and thirteen instrumentalists, 13 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Mondeva for tenor and basset horn and ad libitum: soprano, bass, trombone, mime, electric organ or synthesizer and two magnetic tapes, 13 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Mädchenprozession Befruchtung mit Klavierstück - Wiedergeburt, for girls' choir, piano, choir (live or on tape) and modern orchestra, 22 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Reue for soprano, flute, basset horn and electronics / sound projection, 10 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Sirius for soprano, bass, bass clarinet, trumpet and electronics, Stockhausen Verlag
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stage Sternklang park music, for five groups (twenty-one singers and instrumentalists), 2 h 30 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec Vision for tenor, trumpet, dancer, hammond organ, magnetic tape and game of shadows ad libitum, 28 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
elec stage Zustimmung for soprano, bass, flute, basset horn, synthesizer and electronics/sound projectionist, 9 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
Oscar Strasnoy (1970) Biography Documentary resources
Bloc-notes de Midea 1 for mezzo-soprano and nine instruments, 9 mn 50 s, Inédit
Bloc-notes de Midea 2 for mezzo-soprano and ensemble, 9 mn 27 s, Inédit
elec Bloc-notes de Midea 6 for fifteen instruments, mezzo-soprano, haute-contre, actor and digital tape, 22 mn 49 s, Inédit
elec Bloc-notes de Midea 8 for voice, clarinet, piano and percussion, 8 mn, Inédit
stage Cachafaz barbarian tragedy in two acts, for two solo voices, actor, choir and ensemble, 1 h 30 mn, Billaudot
Chanzuns Popularas Rumanchas for female voice and ensemble
stage Ephemera musical show for four instrumentalists, two singers and two actors, 45 mn, Inédit
Henry Purcell, Dido & Æneas for soloists and ensemble, 55 mn, Billaudot
Hochzeitsvorbereitungen Secular cantata, 55 mn, Le Chant du Monde
Odyssée for six solo voices, choir and ensemble, 50 mn, Billaudot
Quodlibet cycle of melodies for countertenor, guitar, piano, double bass and percussion, 60 mn, Inédit
Six songs for the Unquiet Traveller for mezzo-soprano and ensemble, 25 mn, Le Chant du Monde
stage Un retour one-act chamber opera, 60 mn, Billaudot
Usages du monde for four-part children's or women's choir and ensemble, 10 mn, Billaudot
Случай/Fälle opera for six singers, choir and small orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Billaudot
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources