Works / By type

62 works for Solo voice(s), solo instrument(s), choir(s) and orchestra

  • Luciano Berio (1925-2003) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Duo teatro immaginario for baritone, two violins, mixed choir and orchestra, 30 mn, Universal Edition
    • Ora for soprano, mezzo-soprano, flute, english horn, small choir, ensemble and orchestra, 14 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
  • Alain Berlaud (1971) Biography Documentary resources
    • Ligne 4827 vers Jupiter cantata for solo soprano and tenor, narrator, harp, harpsichord and percussion soloists, two choirs and orchestra, 60 mn about , pas d'éditeur
  • Birke J. Bertelsmeier (1981) Biography Documentary resources
    • Re: vor'm for choir, baroque orchestra, four soloists and organ, 23 mn
    • vom blauen Himmel for choir, children's choir, orchestra, two soloists and organ, 27 mn
  • Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Cantata Misericordium for tenor and baritone, small choir, string quartet, string orchestra, piano, harp and timpani, 19 mn 30 s, Boosey & Hawkes
  • Sylvano Bussotti (1931-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • stage Cristallo di Rocca ballet in one prologue and twelve scenes, for soloists, choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Ricordi
  • John Cage (1912-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec Mewantemooseicday for loudspeakers, singers, pianos, orchestra, record players and audience, pas d'éditeur
  • Chaya Czernowin (1957) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec stage Heart Chamber An Inquiry about Love, opera in four acts, 1 h 30 mn, Schott
  • Vincent David (1974) Biography Documentary resources
    • Terra Nova for narrator, two children's choirs, orchestra and saxophone quartet, 55 mn
  • Paul Dessau (1894-1979) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Inspiration for orchestra, organ, contralto and boy's choir, Inédit
    • Symphonische Kantate for male choir, tenor and solo soprano, orchestra and organ, Inédit
  • Pascal Dusapin (1955) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec stage La Melancholia opératorio, for four vocal soloists, one narrator, twelve mixed voices, three brass instruments, recorded speaking voices and orchestra, 32 mn, Salabert
    • stage Roméo et Juliette opera in nine numbers on a libretto by Olivier Cadiot, for five solo voices, clarinetist, three spoken voices, vocal quartet, choir and orchestra, 1 h 25 mn, Salabert
  • Brian Ferneyhough (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Graciane Finzi (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • stage Jin Ping Mei opera in two acts in Mandarin, for six singers, chorus, orchestra, Chinese percussion, erhu and suonà, 1 h 30 mn
  • Luca Francesconi (1956) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec ircam stage Ballata opera in two acts, 2 h 25 mn, Ricordi
  • Philip Glass (1937) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Naqoyqatsi music for the film by Godfrey Redgio, for orchestra with cello and solo mezzo-soprano, and choir, 1 h 20 mn, Dunvagen Music Publishers
  • Vinko Globokar (1934) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Sofia Goubaïdoulina (1931) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Alleluja for mixed choir, children's voice, organ and large orchestra, 32 mn, Sikorski
    • Aus dem Studenbuch for cello, narrator, male choir and orchestra, 53 mn, Fazer Music
    • St. John Easter for four solo voices, two mixed choirs, organ and large orchestra, 50 mn, Sikorski
    • St. John Passion for four solo voices, two mixed choirs, organ and large orchestra, 1 h 30 mn, Sikorski
  • Klaus Huber (1924-2017) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Die umgepflügte Zeit In memoriam Luigi Nono, spatialized music for viola d'amore, mezzo-soprano, light tenor, narrator, choir, 2 ensembles distributed in space, 20 mn, Ricordi
  • Helmut Lachenmann (1935) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Bernhard Lang (1957) Biography Documentary resources
    • 'HIOB' musical theatre for voices, choir, orchestra and jazz trio, 1 h 40 mn
  • Bruno Maderna (1920-1973) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Bruno Mantovani (1974) Biography Documentary resources
    • stage L'Autre côté fantastic opera in a prologue and two acts, 2 h 15 mn, Lemoine
  • Marc Monnet (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec ircam stage Pan! opera, for voice, actors, choir, orchestra and electronics, 1 h 15 mn, cerise music
  • Ennio Morricone (1928-2020) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Isabel Mundry (1963) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Olga Neuwirth (1968) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Fabio Nieder (1957) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec stage Thümmel, oder die Verlöschung des Wortes four-act nocturnal musical theater for baritone voice, retired Heldentenor, 6 vocal soloists, solo piano, accordion, choir, ensemble of soloists on stage, orchestra and electronic music
  • Luigi Nono (1924-1990) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec Caminantes... Ayacucho for contralto, bass flute, organ, two choirs, three-group orchestra and electronics, 42 mn, Ricordi [program note]
    • elec stage Prometeo tragedia dell'ascolto, for vocal and instrumental soloists, choir, orchestra and live electronics, 2 h 15 mn, Ricordi
  • Maurice Ohana (1913-1992) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Henri Pousseur (1929-2009) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Wolfgang Rihm (1952-2024) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Dies Oratorio, for solo voices, two reciters, children's choir, spoken choir, mixed choir, large organ and orchestra, 35 mn, Universal Edition
    • Geheimer block for four solo voices, choir, organ and orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
  • Yann Robin (1974) Biography Documentary resources
  • Dieter Schnebel (1930-2018) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec stage Ekstasis for solo soprano, narrator, two children's voices, solo percussionist, choir and large orchestra, 55 mn, Schott
    • stage Missa Dahlemer Messe for four solo voices, two mixed choirs, orchestra and organ, 1 h 30 mn, Schott [program note]
  • Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • elec stage Donnerstag aus Licht opera in three acts for fourteen soloists (three voices, eight instrumentalists, three dancers), choir, orchestra and tapes, 4 h, Stockhausen Verlag
    • elec stage Festival for tenor, soprano, bass, trumpet, basset horn, trombone, two soprano saxophones, three mimes-dancers, old woman, choir and orchestra, magnetic tape with recorded choir, 50 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
    • elec stage Freitag - Versuchung for three voices and two solo instruments, children's choir and orchestra, choir of twelve singers, synthesizer, twelve pairs of mime dancers and sound projection, 2 h 25 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
    • elec stage Kinder - Tutti for children's choir and orchestra, conducting soprano, bass, flute, basset horn, synthesizer and sound projectionist, 7 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
    • elec stage Michaels Heimkehr for tenor, soprano, bass, trumpet, basset horn, trombone, two soprano saxophones, electric organ or synthesizer, three dancers, old woman, choir, orchestra and tapes, 1 h 18 mn, Stockhausen Verlag
  • José María Sánchez-Verdú (1968) Biography Documentary resources