Works / By specific formation
Comment faire une recherche par effectif détaillé sur BRAHMS ?12 works out of 51359
- circular music no. 7 for clarinet, violin and percussion (2015-2016), 4 mn, Wandelweiser / Jürg Frey
- lucid plane for violin, clarinet and percussion (2016), 8 mn, Wandelweiser / Jürg Frey
- Memos for clarinet in Bb (or bass clarinet), cello and percussion (2000), 15 mn, partition retirée du catalogue / Valerio Sannicandro
- elec NY miniatures for violin, clarinet, percussion and tape (2007), 10 mn, Inédit / Andrea Vigani
- elec Pirouette2 for tape, clarinet, percussion and violin (2001), 3 mn 30 s, édition du compositeur / François Sarhan
- Soliloques for trio (2004) / Patricia Alessandrini
- Three Instruments, Series I-XVIII for clarinet, violin and percussion (1998-1999), 4 h, Wandelweiser / Jürg Frey
- Trascolora for clarinet, cello and percussion (1999), 10 mn, Inédit / Lara Morciano
- elec Trazas for clarinet, percussion, cello and electronics (2007), 8 mn / Javier Elipe Gimeno
- Trio alto for clarinet, percussion and viola (1994), 10 mn, Inédit / Gilbert Amy
- elec Trio Project for clarinet, cello, marimba and electronics (2011), 9 mn / Javier Elipe Gimeno
- Vorace for violin, clarinet and percussion (2017) / Clara Olivares