Nicolas Frize (1950)
Barthes Performance (2020)
electro-acoustic "vocal" piece, entirely composed from the voice of Roland Barthes, resynthesized
electronic work, Ircam
- General information
Composition date:
- Commission: Ircam-Centre Pompidou
Composition date:
- Type
- Vocal music and instrument(s) [2 solo voices or more and ensemble of up to 9 instruments]
Detailed formation
- soloists: 2 narrators, tenor
- bass clarinet, trumpet, percussionist, piano, guitar
Premiere information
9 June 2021
Location:France, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, ManiFeste
Information on the electronics
RIM (réalisateur(s) en informatique musicale):
Robin Meier (réalisation en informatique musicale, Ircam)