Works / By title
2961 works beginning with m
Halim El-Dabh (1921-2017) Biography Documentary resources
Sivan Eldar (1985) Biography Documentary resources
Javier Elipe Gimeno (1980) Biography Documentary resources
Thierry Escaich (1965) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Madre for soprano and piano, 3 mn, Inédit
Magic Circus for wind octet, 12 mn, Billaudot
Maintenant, j’ai grandi for voice, string trio and piano, 3 mn, Inédit
Mecanic Song for wind quintet and piano, 15 mn, Billaudot
Messe romane for two mixed choirs and organs, 16 mn, Billaudot
Miroir d’ombres for violin, cello and orchestra, 26 mn, Billaudot
Karlheinz Essl (1960) Biography Documentary resources
Memento mori on poems by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Franz Neovalis Neulinger and Hans Magnus Enzensberger, 15 mn, Inédit
met him pike trousers for large orchestra, 10 mn, Tonos
Jean-François Estager (1949)
elec stage Mots à maux music on tape and for cello, Grame
Julio Estrada (1943) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Melódica (mecano musical) for one or two melodic instruments (for children), between 60 s and 15 mn, juliusedimus
Memorias para teclado for piano or keyboard with 2 or 4 hands, accordion or keyboard percussion, between 4 mn and 14 mn, juliusedimus
elec stage Murmullos del páramo opera for two female voices, vocal quintet, trombone, double bass, guitar, sho, recording of sound environments and voice of actors, 3D spatialization, 1 h 40 mn, juliusedimus
matlapoa for shō, 14 mn about , juliusedimus
mictlan for female voice, double bass and noisemaker, 35 mn about , juliusedimus
miqi’cihuatl for soprano, 10 mn, juliusedimus
miqi’nahual for double bass, 10 mn, juliusedimus
Peter Eötvös (1944-2024) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Magány for children's choir, 5 mn, Salabert
Mese Sprachkomposition, on tape, 12 mn 34 s
Molto Tranquillo for flute, cello and piano trio, 5 mn, Schott
Multiversum for organ, Hammond organ and orchestra, in memoriam Pierre Boulez, Schott
elec Music for New York improvisation for soprano saxophone and percussion with tape, 10 mn 40 s
Jean-Luc Fafchamps (1960) Biography Documentary resources
Sina Fallahzadeh (1981) Biography Documentary resources
Alireza Farhang (1976) Biography Documentary resources
Ivan Fedele (1953) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Ma Vièle for solo viola and orchestra, 10 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Magic for four saxophones, 8 mn, Suvini Zerboni
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Maja for soprano and ensemble, 15 mn, Suvini Zerboni
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Messages for two sopranos, two mezzo-sopranos and eight instrumentalists, 16 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Metal east-journey for percussion, 20 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Mixtim ritual music for seven instruments, 15 mn, Suvini Zerboni
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Modus for bass clarinet and percussion, 8 mn, Suvini Zerboni
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Morolòja kè Erotikà for female voice and string quartet, 25 mn
Morolòja kè Erotikà for female voice, a percussionist and string orchestra, 25 mn
Mosaïque for violin and chamber orchestra, 16 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Mox. Tempo di quartetto for string quartet, 8 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
Mudra for ensemble, 21 mn, Suvini Zerboni
Morton Feldman (1926-1987) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources