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Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
171.97 Mo
uncompress and add it into the lib folder
366.4 Ko
1 wireless mic for the vocalist. DPA 4066 was used.
The soprano voice has to be amplified and reverberated according to the hall, and sent to the max patch
Midi faders can be used for the balance between the layers.
cf the subpatcher "p myfaders" on the main window.
Uncompress and add the zabs_gn_maxpat library into the "libs" folder.
Add the whole "EnEcho2013" folder into max file preferences.
Check the events with the score.
Before the performance, the follower can be tested with the files provided in the "donatienne" folder : cf "p simulation" on the main window.
You can ignore the matrixdefaultcell.pct & matrixdefaultbkng errors (max 6 ) and the #N warnings.
Check max DSP status :
Turn DSP on
you can ignore the tapin/tapout warnings ;the tapin connexions are still active but the send/receive method is deprecated ... to be fixed...
Choose event 0.
Launch the first cues according to the score.
main window for setup and events tracking :
You can trigger the events with the tab key.
The spacebar activates/deactivates the follower.
Pay attention to the balance between frontal and side/surround loudspeakers.
The effects must be as immersive as possible, without too much focus on precise localisation.
The voice should be reinforced to mix with the live electronics, but still felt coming from the singer !
The camera sound on section 4 is a good test for high levels.
All events can be triggered manually : it is sometimes more precise and efficient than the automatic follower.
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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche
Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles
Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique
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