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Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
62.46 Ko
4.46 Mo
72.41 Ko
2.62 Go
recorded by Philharmonie de Paris and France Musique
508.21 Mo
This patch runs under Max 8.1 (OS X High Sierra or above).
Synful Orchestra plugin VST have to be installed ; a licence is required ( version 2.6.4 )
Install MAX and Synful Orchestra
Some levels can be controlled during the performance using 8 midifaders.
The 4 first faders are only used for the long convolution reverb used in section 9.
The midi controller numbers and channels can be set in the MidiControl patcher
All the electronic score is written in 9 qlists, one for each section.
You can rehearse the piece by using the Partita1-Contact-rec-Concert.aif. It is a recording of the solo viola part. Four other different recordings can be used : Partita1-Contact-rec[1-4].aif
Score following is optional. Partita 1 can be played without the score following. By default, the main patch is on "FULL MANUEL" mode. Each cue should be triggered precisely by the computer music designer.
To use the score follower, change the mode to "AVEC SUIVI" on the main patch and open the Antescofo~_Partita_2019_max8.maxpat patch.
Some events are triggered automatically (see printed score)
You can test the patch and the score following system with the simulation
Partita 1 is in 9 sections, each centered around a particular musical gesture.
The original version of Partita 1 premiered and developed in Grame-Lyon in 2007 was using a special motion capture device, a small device, fixed to the finger of the soloist, providing real-time analysis of the acceleration and pressure of the bow on the strings of the instrument. Since 2011, this device has been replaced by real time audio analysis of the viola sound.
The following real time audiodescriptors are used :
A midi mixer is required to control different levels.
At the end of the piece, there is different reverbs to create the last effect… use the 50s one only for the last sound and 8s just some before.
Viola direct is used only in situation where we can’t have a mixer to plug the microphone.
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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche
Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles
Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique
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