Audio and loudspeaker setup
This patch run with MaxMSP 5.1.9 ( OS X Sierra recommended )
Synful Orchestra plugin VST have to be installed and a licence is required ( last version tested 2.62 )
Software installation
Max/MSP patches
- Copy the files in your computer.
- Open Max 5 and set up your File Preferences to add "Lib-Partita1" in the file path
- Set the Audio Configuration:
* Fe = 44100 Hz;
* IO Vector Size = 256; ???
* Signal Vector Size = 256; ???
* Scheduler in Overdrive = ON; ???
* Scheduler in Audio Interrupt = ON; ???
* Vector Optimization = ON. ???
Routing in Max/MSP
1. Viola input.
1 to 6. Loudspeakers 1 to 6.
Patch presentation
- paf = phase-aligned formant (synthesis);
- smp = sampler (synthesis);
- str = string Modalys (synthesis);
- sp = spat (transformation);
- h = harm (transformation);
- f = frequency shifting (transformation);
Main patch
Main sub-patch
- B = Antescofo follower ON;
- N = Antescofo follower OFF;
- Right arrow = toupie in section 7.
Initialization routine
1. Turn audio ON and choose a master level (pink fader);
2. Start to play by clicking on the "Section 1" button... ( wait always the init will be done… )… it’s also a way to stop a process and ready to start.
The last version of the patch PARTITA2016-34-Manuel_pocket.maxpat was used without Score Following, all cue manual and specific part with automatic mode.
A midi pocket midi mixer was used to control different level…
the end of the piece there’s different reverse to create the last effect… use the 50s one only for the last sound and 8s just some before.
Viola direct is used when we can’t have a mixer to plug the microphone, else not.
It’s possible to try Antescofo but it’ll be a new process with the player and will be tested with the last version…
the patcher Bonk_next_cue was add to trig at specific moment to be really synchro with the player, harm it with a key 98
(Christophe Lebreton)